20th of September
Select 1 Question
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Question: Write in 150 Words
The Mughal School of Painting is considered to be a landmark in the history of painting in India. Elucidate.
- Briefly explain the genesis of Mughal School of painting and its characteristics.
- Discuss how Mughal School enriched the art of painting in India.
- Cite some works of Mughal School of Paintings.
Question: Write in 250 Words
The evolution of temple-building in India can be attributed to factors such as changing form of worship, improvement in the skills of the craftsmen and the increase in funding provided by kings and rich merchants. Examine.
- First, write about the practices of worship during Indus Valley civilization, Vedic period and later times and its final culmination to the temple
- In the second connect the improvement of the skills of the craftsmen with the improvisation of temple architecture.
- In the last part, give the information about the patronage provided for the temple