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Can we understand Political Theory without history? What is relationship between Political Theory & Philosophy? What is a limitation of scientific methods of political science? (20 Marks)
Introduce with defining Political Theory
Write the relation between history and political theory showing importance of history
How too much of history will limit the scope of Political theory
Relationship between Political Theory and philosophy – Importance of normative approach
Limitations of use of scientific methods in the disciple
Conclusion – How to make the study more authentic and better.
Discuss the debates on the nature of political theory. Also explain the relevance of political theory towards betterment of human life. (15 Marks)
Introduce with writing about political theory – Can define Political Theory
Write briefly on origin of Political Theory – Ancient Greek, Plato’s theory of ideas etc.
Write about the nature of Political theory – Normative, Scientific, Experimental – Classical and Modern – Behavioural, Post Behavioural etc.
Relevance of Political theory – Study of state and governance, why master science, importance of the discipline etc.
Do you think post-behaviouralism makes a decisive break from behaviouralism? (10 Marks)
Introduction – Define Post-Behaviouralism
Write some characteristics of Post Behaviouralism and how it is different from behaviouralism.
How it is not a decisive break but should be seen in continuation of behaviouralism and natural evolution
Conclude with importance of studying political science or promoting the evolutionary nature of analysis.
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‘The problem of political obligation is one of the most prominent issues of political philosophy’. Discuss. (20 Marks)
- Introduce with defining political obligation,
- Write about debates regarding political obligation – Why important issue?
- Classical explanation – Plato, Aristotle
- Write about social contract – Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, T H Green (Different views)
- Views of Marxists and Anarchist and how they see political obligation.
- Conclude with writing about obligations in future.
Explain the concept of Post Colonial State. (15 Marks)
- Introduce with defining Post-Colonial State
- Write about knowledge-power connection and how it emerged out of orientalism of Edward Said
- Different schools of Post Colonial State (Liberalism, Marxist etc)
- Write conclusion
What are the major arguments against the Neo-liberal theory of State? (10 Marks)
- Introduce with neo-liberal theory of state and its proponent
- Can briefly mention about the features of the neo-liberal theory of state
- Write about the major arguments – Philosophical and Practical
- Philosophical – Thomas Piketty, Social Liberals like Ronald Dworkin etc
- Practical – Global Financial Crisis, Environment, Social unrest and movements, Cornwall Consensus etc
- Conclude with what kind of state is needed in future
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To what extent does the Rawlsian goal of achieving social justice depend on an overarching consensus among cultural, religious, and ideological groups? (20 Marks)
Introduce with second book of Rawls – Political Liberalism
Need of overlapping consensus of Rawls – Where and Why?
How it emerged – As a response to communitarian critic of his first book
Explain briefly the theory and critic
How his second book solves the issue – Reasonable Pluralism
Critic of the second book by Communitarians
Evaluate Amartya Sen’s contribution to the contemporary theory of justice. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Quote on Justice, Definition etc
How Sen’s idea emerged – As critique to Rawls Idea
Compare the idea of Rawls and Sen
Write about capability approach, Nyaya, Niti etc
Importance of conception of Justice as given by Amartya Sen
Write a short note on ‘original position’ found in the Rawl’s theory of justice. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Context of Rawls Theory, Quote on Justice, Importance or any definition.
Rawls book and his theory of justice – What he wants to suggest including his methodology.
Original Position in Rawls – Procedural conception and Veil of Ignorance.
Critic of Original Position – Communitarians, Feminists etc.
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What is the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of
outcomes? Do you think equality of opportunity cannot be implemented
unless one establishes level playing field to a significant extent? (20 Marks)
Introduce with importance of equality, quote some scholar, can write a
Explain the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of
outcomes – Give theoretical consideration
Write why level playing field is needed for equality of opportunity – Show the
biasedness without it, Can write example of India
How level playing field can be established? – Scholars related to this,
Provisions of democratic equality
Write Critics of this concept
Write other notions of equality
Critically examine the relationship b/w liberty & equality (15 Marks)
Introduce with writing about the importance of normative values like justice,
liberty and equality – Relation between them is among the most
controversial and debated arguments.
How different scholars see this differently – Liberals, Marxists
Write about Rawls, Dworkin – egalitarian liberals
Critics by Neo-liberals, Sen etc
Conclude with how an effective relationship will lead to just society
Michael Walzer’s concept of complex equality (10 Marks)
Introduce with definition of Equality
Different schools have given different views
Communitarian view – given by Michael Walzer in Theory of Justice
Explain the idea of Complex Equality
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What are the three generations of Human Rights? Examine the relevance of multicultural perspective on rights. (20 Marks)
Introduce with definition of rights and how Human Rights came into existence
Karel Vasak’s three generation of rights
Write about multiculturalism – Diversity in the society
Question on the universality of liberalism
Relates to third generation of rights
Implications of the multicultural perspectives – Quote Will Kymlicka and Bhikhu Parekh
Critics by Jeremy Waldron, Amartya Sen etc
Rights (properly so called) are the creatures of law (properly so called)’. (Bentham). (15 Marks)
Can introduce with writing about Bentham or rights
Critic of Natural Rights – Why? (Lockean Concept)
Supports Rights created by Law or legal rights – Explain reasons
Critically examine Gandhi’s view on relationship between Rights and Duties (10 Marks)
Introduce with relationship between rights and duties (Laski – No claims independent of duties)
Gandhi – Inspired by Indian concept of Dharma, Niskaam Karma
More focus on duties than rights
Critical theories – Liberals – No duties, only rights etc
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Compare majoritarianism form of democracy with participative form of democracy? Which of this offer a more adequate and normative form for democracy in present times? (20 Marks)
Introduce with Amartya Sen’s concept of Democracy or Age of Democratic confusions
Write about majoritarian democracy (started with Locke, Recent times – Jeremy Waldron etc)
Compare with participative model of democracy (Gandhi, Rousseau etc)
Write about issues of Majoritarian democracy – Head counting, Tyranny of majority etc
Why participative offers more normative approach?
Steps to improve participation and informative participation
Conclude with movement towards more deliberative democracy
The concept of multi-culturalism brings out the drawback of liberal theory of democracy’. Elaborate. (15 Marks)
Introduce with Fukuyama’s end of history and liberal theory of democracy
Features of Liberal theory of democracy
Write about multiculturalism and what kind of drawbacks it brings
Improvement needed to make it more adaptive
Discuss the relationship between development and democracy. (10 Marks)
Introduce with some quote on democracy or definition etc
Explain the relation between development and democracy.
Context – Comparison in development of China and India
Write views of Lee Kwan Yew – Democracy is not conducive for development in 3rd world countries
Criticism by Amartya Sen – Not the correct opinion – Kerala, etc
Conclusion – More democracy and not less democracy
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Discuss the ‘Theory of Authority’ as given by Max Weber. Examine the relationship between power, authority & legitimacy. How states try to maintain legitimacy? (20 Marks)
Introduce with writing briefly about Weber and his book. Include his way of thinking
Write about the Theory of Authority – Types of authority, examples etc
Relate between Power, Authority and Legitimacy – Rousseau
How weber gives the relation between three and his critic of Marx
How states maintain legitimacy – Welfare, Force, Intellectuals etc
How citizens show the legitimacy?
Conclude with legitimation crisis of Habermas and how it can be avoided.
Critically examine/analyse Foucault’s ‘Theory of Power’? (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write about power as contested concept and most debated
Foucault also tries to develop a theory based on post-modernism- book, inspired by etc
Explain the theory – Micro view against Macro view etc
Compare with Hobbes, Hannah Arendt etc
Write how state is still powerful and exercises power as the sole authority in true sense
Conclude with how it is diluting more day by day – Cyber war, Crypto etc
Discuss the ideas of hegemony and organic intellectuals in the ideas of Gramsci. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write about Gramsci briefly in 3-4 lines
Describes his ideas of hegemony – Compare it with domination
Types of Intellectuals that create hegemony
Explain organic intellectuals
Conclude with current aspects on how intellectuals are creating hegemony
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Explain about the different waves of feminism. Critically examine the effectiveness of Metoo movement. (20 Marks)
Introduction – Define feminism, metanarrative, multiple ideologies within one ideology
Write about different waves of feminism – Three waves of feminism
Liberal Feminism, Marxist Feminism, Radical, Post-Feminism, New Feminism etc
Explain Metoo Movement
Write the advantages and criticism
Conclude with need of such movements for empowerment and how to make it more efficient
Why fascism is regarded as a ‘hodge-podge’ of ideologies? (15 Marks)
Introduction – Define Fascism and different examples
Write about various scholars (Eric From, Arendt etc) and what are the characteristics of fascism as per them
Why hodge-podge of ideologies – Taken beliefs from all ideologies – whatever suits them, No concrete line of thought or philosophy
Both socialist and liberal claim each other to be fascit
Conclude – How defeated after WWII, Can re-come and how to protect the world from it.
Liberalism is not a fixed mode of thought but an intellectual movement’. Comment. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Define liberalism, Meta narrative concept
Write about its origin
How not fixed – constantly developing and emerging
Conclude – Challenges to liberalism, how to protect it and reform for its best
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Compare the ideas of Kautilya and Machiavelli on statecraft. (20 Marks)
Introduction – Kautilya as Indian Machiavelli, his importance and context
First write the similarities and then the differences
Compare the ideas – (Origin of state, governance, law and order, foreign relations etc)
Conclude with the importance of both or influence on today’s political philosophy specifically International relations
Compare & contrast Buddhist political thought with Hindu political thought. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Start with origin of Indian political thought, its importance (Quote Alasdair Macintyre)
Explain about the context and origin of both Buddhist and Hindu political thought
Compare on different strands like Origin of states, type of king, punishments etc – Can write the example of Chankyan state v/s Ashokan state
Show the elements of continuity and change in the philosophy
Conclude with what can be learnt today from both the thoughts
To what extent it would be appropriate to say that Aurobindo Ghosh is the ‘Prophet of Indian Nationalism’? (10 Marks)
Introduction – Write about Aurobindo (Biggest Indian thinker, Tagore – world will listen the voice of India through Aurobindo etc)
His cultural nationalism, inspired by, views on Indian Nationalism
Importance of his idea – how the concept of nationalism for India began by him
Other side – Many others involved, started since earlier times ex – Moderates, He was not alone etc
Conclude with how to use his ideas today
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“Man living together according to reason without a common superior on earth with authority to judge them is properly the state of nature” (Locke). Comment. (20 Marks)
◾Introduce with Locke (2-3 lines on him, his theory etc)
◾Hypothetical State of Nature (What it is)
◾Locke’s definition of state of nature – Why so peaceful?
◾Type of Man in Lockean system
◾Compare with Hobbes – Anarchic
◾How all the theory of Locke is based on his theory of nature
◾Role of state for Locke – Not for order – but for continuation of good life
◾Conclusion in context of today
Do you think freedom can be described as ‘emancipation’? Explain with reference to Marx. (15 Marks)
◾Introduce with Karl Marx
◾Freedom as given by Young Marx in Economic and Philosophic Manuscript
◾Write briefly about Theory of alienation.
◾Ending of alienation is freedom and how it is related to emancipation
◾Compare with views of liberal scholars, Hannah Arendt etc
◾Conclude in relation with M N Roy
“Plato’s communism is a heroic remedy for a desperate evil the union of political power and economic temptation in the same hands “. Explain (10 Marks)
◾Introduce with Plato and his philosopher king
◾Write briefly his process of making a philosopher king – Without any flaw
◾Still some evil remains – Solves it through communism of property and family – Explain
◾Critic by Aristotle and Karl Popper
◾Conclusion – Remedy worse than disease.
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What, according to you, would have been the direction of Indian National Movement had Gandhi not arrived at the scene? (20 Marks)
Introduction – Write about Indian National Movement
Various personalities and their significance and role
Why Gandhi stands tall and apart
Direction if Gandhi not arrived at the scene
Conclusion – Importance of Gandhi for current Indian politics and nation
Compare Gandhi and Ambedkar’s approach towards social justice in India. Which is more relevant in contemporary context? (15 Marks)
Introduction – Social Justice in India, Can quote some scholar
Need of social justice amidst inequalities of many strands
Compare Gandhian solutions with that of Ambedkar (Decentralized V/s centralized, Introspection from society V/s state-led etc)
Which was followed by India?
Relevance of the approach – Both the approaches needs to be worked together
‘Indian constitution was written by the few for the few’. In the light of this statement, analyze the class character of the Constituent Assembly of India. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Constituent assembly in India and how it started to come.
Explain – Why people say Indian constitution is by few for few (Winston Churchill – It is for upper caste Hindus by Upper Caste Hindus)
Criticize the statement – How it was inclusive, Write how the First general election proves the representativeness and character of the constitution
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Elaborate the distinctive features of Gandhian movements. To what extent can it be said that Quit Indian movement was the most Un – Gandhian of all. (20M)
Discuss the uniqueness of the Indian model of secularism. Do you think Uniform Civil Code will strengthen Indian Secularism? (15M)
Compare the strategy employed by Extremists with that of Moderates. Critically analyze the contribution of Extremists in the freedom struggle. (15M)
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Examine the socialist perspective of national movement. (15 Marks)
◾Introduce – Indian National Movement – 1857-1947 – Many strands emerged
◾Write about the socialist perspective – Include Bhagat Singh, M N Roy, Minoo Masani, Socialist Parties, Other organizations etc
◾Focus on their role and significance and their critic of mainstream nationalistic movement
◾Conclude with Anekantvad Philosophy (There can be many truths)
Contribution of women in Indian national movement. (15 Marks)
◾Introduction – Write about Indian National Movements
◾Chronologically divide the role of women – During 1857, 1857-1905, 1905-1919, 1919- 1947
◾Also you can divide into various strands – Gandhites, Revolutionaries, Nationalistic, Independent women organizations
◾Instead of only writing about examples – Focus on arguments related to contribution – Limit the social part and focus on political role.
◾How this was also taken over in constitution assembly by women
◾Conclusion – How Participation should increase today?
Write short note on Dalit perspective of national movement. (10 Marks)
◾Introduction – Write about Indian National Movements in 2-3 lines
◾Dalit perspective – Jyotiba Phula, E V Ramaswamy Naicket, Baba Sahab Ambedkar
◾Focus on Gandhian perspective for Harijans, Organizations like Depressed classes etc
◾How their view differed from mainstream nationalistic movement
◾Conclusion – Gives us the perspective to provide reservation and other benefits for empowerment
Compare the strategies of the moderates and extremists with respect to the National Movement. Assess their relative contribution. (15 marks)
Write about Early Indian National Movement
Who were moderates and extremists
Compare the two on different lines (Origin, Violent-Non violent, methodology, etc.)
Assess their contribution (In continuation of earlier part)
Conclude with how both were important.
Indian Constitution is nothing except a carbon copy of the Government of India Act, 1935. Critically Examine. (20 Marks)
Write about the constitution and its making
Why it is called as the Carbon copy of GOI Act, 1935 – Give reasons
How it is not – unique and taken from many sources
Living Document – fits well into the Indian society
Mention the founding principles that define Indian constitution (10 Marks)
Write about Indian Constitution – Social and Political project
Founding principles – Objective resolution, Indian Culture, Heritage etc (Preamble was adopted in the end – Try not to take name but principles from there)
Conclude with how we are protecting those principles
Comment on the relevance of Directive Principle of State Policy in the era of Liberalisation and Globalization (15 Marks).
Introduce – DPSP and Philosophy of DPSP.
Write about philosophy driving Liberalisation and Globalization – Rolling back of state etc.
How this era has taken over now.
Issues with globalization and liberalization – Increases the relevance of DPSP – Inequality, environment etc.
Current times – Covid, Cornwall consensus etc.
Conclusion – How to protect everyone and responsibility of state.
The basic structure doctrine is enshrined in Indian constitution, the Supreme Court has only given it an explicit form. (20 Marks)
Introduction – Write about Doctrine of basic structure
Evolution of BS and how Supreme court gave the doctrine
Different features and how it is implicit in the Indian Constitution
Why still it was necessary for court to give the doctrine – Significance
Critics of doctrine and Way Forward
Underline the significance of first constitutional amendment act. (10 Marks)
Introduce – What is 1st CAA
Why it was introduced – Objectives, role, how it faired till now (Land reforms etc)
Issues – SC observation, 9th schedule
Conclusion – Stance in future
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Write short note on Machiavelli’s Secularism. (10 Marks)
◽Introduction – Ideas of Machiavelli and relate it to secularism (Book on statecraft etc)
◽Originator of western secularism – How and Why?
◽Separation of ends and means, religion and politics etc
◽Looks religion also as a means to secure national interest
◽Write briefly on Dual Morality and relate it to religion.
◽Critics by Gandhi
◽Conclude by stating relevance today
Assess the significance of right to property in political theory. (15 Marks)
◽Introduction -Write about property in political theory
◽How it was in ancient and medieval and evolved with Hobbes and Locke
◽Significance – Almost everything revolves around economics and property – Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, Neo liberalism
◽Critic – Over emphasized, New trends emerging – governance, sociology etc
◽Conclude with its relevance today.
Trace the evolution of western political thought from ancient to contemporary period. (20 Marks)
◽Introduce with the definition or importance of political thought
◽Write about its origin in Greece and how it started
◽Trace the evolution – evolved with evolution in thinking of human – from ancient to medieval to modern
◽Write about different strands in modern – Liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Feminist and various sub-strands
◽Contemporary schools – Critical theorist, green ideologies etc and dominance all over the world
◽Conclude with the significance of evolution and why it is necessary
◽Avoid over-explaining any one political thought. Keep it balanced throughout.
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“The cause of sedition is always to be found in inequality” – Aristotle. Elucidate. (10 Marks)
Approach :
- Introduction – Write about Aristotle and his thoughts (conservative, etc)
- Write briefly about the theory of equality
- how he says – slightest inequality leads to revolution and why it is cause of sedition
- Relate with seditious tendencies and root cause can be seen in inequality – quote Oxfam etc
- conclude with solutions
Why Mill considers the silencing of expression of opinion as evil? What is the object behind Mill’s discussion on tyranny of majority? (15 Marks)
- Introduce with 2-3 lines of Mills
- Significance of FOSE as per Mills
- Why silencing is evil? – Dwarfing own citizens
- What can lead to tyranny of majority
- Mill to protect democracy and objective behind this discussion
- Protection of rights of people and true sense of liberty
- Critic – Harm principle etc
- Conclusion
Discuss the Gramscian Theory of intellectuals. What is the basic difference between organic intellectuals and Traditional intellectuals? (20 Marks)
- Introduce – Gramsci as theoretician of super structure
- How he modified Marx
- His theory of intellectuals
- Significance of intellectuals – shock observer, revolution, creation of hegemony, etc
- difference between organic and traditional intellectuals
- Conclude with creation of intellectuals and today, etc
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Critically evaluate the significance of Governor in India’s federal setup. Why there’re so many controversies associated with the post of Governor?
◽Introduction – 2-3 Lines on Governor, Article no., commissions etc
◽Importance of post of governor in India’s federal setup – Give examples
◽Examples of issues in the role of governor and where such issues can be seen
◽Why these controversies – Include constitutional debates also and the nature of the post
◽Solutions – What should be done
Analyse the arguments in favor and against the lateral entry into higher civil services in India. (15 Marks)
◽Introduction – Write about civil services, some quotes by Sardar Patel etc
◽Importance of Civil Services
◽Why lateral entries should be introduced
◽Why it should not be introduced and issues
◽Still, if introduced precautions needed
◽Solutions – Balancing direct recruits and promoted individuals – How? And other reforms in civil services.
Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has emerged as the most powerful institution in India. Discuss. (10 Marks)
◽Introduction – Origin of PMO and what it includes?
◽How and why, it emerged as most powerful institutions
◽Issues in this – Centralization, Over bureaucratization, decreasing accountability, Charisma etc
◽Give examples
◽Conclusion – Solutions needed
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In what way Panchayati Raj institutions contribute to the women empowerment in India? (10 Marks)
◽Introduction – Write about Panchayati Raj briefly in 2-3 lines
◽Facts for women in the act (33% reservation, seats for chairperson etc)
◽How this empowered women – Leadership, Integrate with SHGs, Can reach higher echelon in assembly and parliament etc
◽How this will be beneficial for Panchayats and people (Give examples)
◽Critics – Issues with the functioning and empowerment
◽Conclude with solutions
Political decentralization has not been matched by administrative decentralization at the grassroot level. (15 Marks)
◽Introduction – Decentralization – Meaning, Principle of subsidiarity etc
◽Significance of decentralization
◽How Political decentralization took place in the country – 73rd and 74th CAA, Laws, etc
◽Why this is not matched with administrative decentralization – All still top down, Panchayats only for execution – no formation of policies, bureaucracy not releasing power, plans at very higher level etc
◽Issues with these kind of conflict
◽Conclude with Solutions for true form of power to panchayats and municipalities
Municipal governance has taken the centre stage in Indian polity at present. What’re the issues involved in the functioning of municipal governance and what are the ways forward? (20 Marks)
◽Introduction – Municipal Governance, Structure, Constitutional Amendments Act etc
◽Why and How Municipal Governance is at centre stage in Indian Polity
◽Significance of Governance in Municipality
◽Issues involved in functioning – Structural Issues, Functional Issues, Other issues
◽Solutions – Committees related to Municipal Governance – Isher Judge Ahluwalia Committee etc
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The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India enhances the accountability of the Government and serves as the watchdog of the finances of the government. Explain. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write 2-3 lines on CAG and Constitutional Article nos. etc.
How the CAG enhances the accountability of the government
Issues with the functioning of CAG
Conclusion – Solutions to improve the functioning of CAG
The success of electoral democracy in India can partly be attributed to the status and role of Election Commission of India. Explain. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Election Commission of India – Write 2-3 lines, Article no. etc
Role of ECI and how success of electoral democracy can be attributed to it – Give examples
Issues – Observations by Supreme Court, Where it failed (fake news, polarization etc)
What should be done – Write report by ECI, Various committees etc
Discuss in brief the role of the National Commission for Women. Do you think it is a toothless organisation? (15 Marks)
Introduction – Act that formed NCW, When, Context
Role and functions of NCW
Good works done by the organization
Where it failed
Why it is a toothless organization – Why powerless
Solutions to improve and provide adequate power
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To what extent it would be appropriate to say that National Human Rights Commission is more of a toothless tiger? (10 M)
Define Civil Rights. Critically examine the role of civil rights associations in India towards the protection of Civil Rights and maintaining the rule of law. (15 M)
Enlist the major provisions of the constitution with respect to Union Public Service Commission? Highlight the significant role of Civil Services in parliamentary democracy of India. (15M)
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To what extent the constitutional and statutory mechanisms of Inter-state water dispute are effective in resolution of such disputes? (10 Marks)
- Introduction – Inter-state water disputes in India
- Constitutional and Statutory mechanism to solve Inter-state water disputes
- Role they have played in solving the disputes
- Issues – Cases pending since decades, No permanent solution, Excessive use of SLP by SC, Nature of dispute – political and hence needs political solutions
- Solutions on how to make these mechanisms more effective
Discuss asymmetrical federalism in India (15 Marks)
- Introduction – Define Asymmetrical Federalism
- Why it is needed in India – Compare with other countries like USA, Canada
- Significance of asymmetry
- How it is in India – Give some examples
- Issues due to asymmetrical federalism
- Conclusion – How to balance it
Federalism in recent years witnessed a change from dogmatic to dynamic approach. Elaborate Critically evaluate reforms taken in the field of fiscal federalism in India in recent years. (20 Marks)
- Introduction – Federalism – Definition, Quote on Fed in India etc
- Changes witnessed – How it was dogmatic and how it is dynamic now (Give examples)
- Issues in federalism still there – How it still dogmatic
- Reforms in fiscal federalism in current years
- How good they were in enhancing federal features
- Issues – More unitarian rather than federal tendencies
- Solutions – Specifically to improve fiscal federalism and overall federal tendencies
- Conclusion
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Compare and contrast the Gandhian approach to development with Nehruvian approach. Which approach is more suitable to address mass poverty and need for rural development in India? (20 Marks)
Introduction – Economic Development in India – Condition of India during Independence etc
Write about the Gandhian approach and its features
Compare it with the Nehruvian approach
India adopted Nehruvian approach – Its features
Issues related to that approach
Why Gandhian Approach was better and could have good for rural development
What should be done now for the development
What is the difference between Green Revolution 1.0 and green Revolution 2.0? Critically analyse the impact of Green Revolution 1.0 on Indian politics. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Define Green Revolution
Contrast Green Revolution 1.0 and 2.0 (Don’t explain any part too much – just write the differences)
Positive Impact of Green Revolution 1.0 on POLITICS and not General
Negative Impact of Green Revolution
Political economy and reforms – How should be taken forward
Comment on the new version of land reforms needed in India (10 Marks)
Introduction – Write about land reforms in 2-3 lines
Earlier land reforms and issues in that (very briefly or can be avoided)
Write about the need of new land reforms – Small and marginal farmers, mechanization, per hectare etc
New required land reforms – Consolidation of land, contract farming, New reforms etc
How to proceed for the reforms
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Development has overshadowed the influence of caste in electoral behavior in recent elections. Discuss (10 Marks)
- Introduction – Electoral behaviour in India, Psephology etc
- How caste was an important parameter to vote and mobilization
- Recent change – Development has taken the centre stage
- Identity politics still plays an important role
- Conclusion – What is good for country?
Discuss the basis of regionalism in India and evaluate Indian state’s response to sub-nationalist challenges. (15 Marks)
- Introduction – Define Regionalism
- Different basis of regional tendencies – Give example for each one
- How India has responded to these tendencies and difference from western approach
- Benefits of this response
- Issues of such response
- What more should be done now to prevent rise of such tendencies
- Conclusion
Secularism and Democracy are the twin pillars of the state, the very foundation of our society. Considering this statement discuss the nature of secularism in India. Do you think that secularism in India remains a contested concept? (20 Marks)
- Introduction – Define Secularism in Indian Context
- How Secularism and Democracy are twin pillars
- Secularism has preserved the fabric of nation – How?
- Significance of secularism in India
- Issues and Critics with current concept – What it has led to?
- Solutions – What should be the approach in the future
- Conclusion
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Party System, Coalitions, Pressure Groups, Changing Socio-economic profile of legislators Political personalities are more significant than political parties in India (10 Marks)
- Introduction – Political Parties in India (Can write about charismatic authority of Max Weber and history of India)
- Write how political personalities are more significant than parties (Example – Starting from Nehru to Modi, M Banerjee, Naveen Pattnaik)
- Reasons for such kind of politics
- Issues with the personality cult
- Solutions – More democratic culture, Intra-party democracy etc.
- Conclusion
The Indian party system is shaped by complex interaction of the country’s federal structure, electoral system and social cleavages. (15 Marks)
- Introduction – Party system in India (2-3 Lines)
- How it is shaped by federal structure, electoral system and social cleavages
- Briefly can mention the inter-relation and how everything influences
- Issues with the party system in India
- Solutions needed
- Conclusion
Define the role of the pressure groups in democratic political system. Critically examine the effectiveness of the farmer’s groups towards protecting the interest of their members. (20 Marks)
- Introduction – Define Pressure Groups in India
- Role and significance of pressure groups – Invisible empires, Interest aggregation etc
- Pressure groups in India (Give some examples)
- Farmer pressure groups in India and roles they have played
- Are they successful in protecting interest of their members? – Write both sides of arguments
- What should be done to empower small and marginal farmers and create good pressure groups among them to hear their voices.
- Conclusion
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How do the environmental movements in India differ from those in the west? Discuss the impact of ‘Chipko Movement’ on Indian environmental movements. (20 Marks)
- Introduction – Environmental Movements in India – Brief history and introduction
- Difference between movements in India and those in west (Full stomach, led by upper class etc) – Give examples – Write about Chipko movements in 2-3 lines in the end to link to next part
- Impact of Chipko Movements – How changed the course of environmental movements in India, Inspired other movements etc
- Still unorganized and issues remains – Write those
- How government should see these movements and solutions pertaining to those
- Conclusion
Assess the success of women’s rights movement in India. (15 Marks)
- Introduction – Women Movements (2-3 lines)
- Origin of movement and evolution (briefly in one paragraph)
- What are the achievements of the movements in due-course?
- Failure of movements – Give examples
- Write issues within the movement (Failure and issues are different)
- Solution and how should it progress in future
- Conclusion
The evolution of LGBT movement in India as a major civil right movement. (10 Marks)
- Introduction – Write about beginning of LGBT movements across the world and context briefly or define what is LGBT movement
- Why LGBT movement is needed?
- Evolution of the movement – Court cases (Naz foundation, NALSA etc)
- What is the stand today?
- What should be the future course
- Relate your answer with global human rights, how the movement is a civil right movements, constitution and freedom it provides, Puttuswamy judgement etc
- Conclusion
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The anatomy of civil society is to be sought in its political economy – Marx. Comment. (10M)
The modern pluralist democracies have posed a great threat to the fabric of nation state. Discuss. (15M)
Examine the nature and limits of rights of the Resistance and Revolution recognized in modern political theory. (15M)
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Critically examine Gramsci’s concept of Hegemony. (10M)
Compare and contrast the views of Kautilya and Machiavelli on Statecraft. (15M)
Examine in detail Marx’s prescription for ending alienation and reaching the stage of de – alienation. (20M)
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Question 1 )
Explain the Political-Sociological Approach in the field of comparative politics and discuss its limitations. (10 Marks)
- Introduction – Define Political Sociological Approach
- Write origin, prominent exponents etc
- Meaning, Significance of the approach
- Limitations of the approach
- Conclusion – Still beneficial and broaden the basis of study
Briefly explain systems approach and further improvements made over it. (15 Marks)
- Introduction – Define Systems approach
- Write origin, prominent exponents etc
- Meaning, Significance of the approach
- Limitations of the approach
- What improvements have been made further – Structural functional etc
- Significance of improvements
- Conclusion
Explain the significance of comparative method in political analysis. Discuss its changing nature and explain its limitations. (20 Marks)
- Introduction – Define Comparative Politics
- Write its origin, significance in political analysis – Both theoretical and Practical significance
- How it has changed over the years – Transformation from traditional to modern and its need
- Explain the limitations of overall comparative politics (Not individually traditional or modern)
- Despite limitations, why it is important to study
- Conclusion
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Question 1 )
How has the development of Global Capitalism changed the nature of socialist economies and developing societies? (20 Marks)
- Introduction – Define Socialist economies and developing societies
- Write about their existing or past natures of economics and societies
- Define global capitalism and its features briefly (WTO, TRIPS, Globalization, FDI, FPI etc)
- How this has changed the nature of economics and societies
- Write both the positive change and the negative change on various dimensions (Inequality, female, environment, exports, welfare, social security etc)
- Solutions – How countries can walk the tight rope
- Conclusion
Critically examine the impact of Surveillance Capitalism on the states. (15 Marks)
- You can first read some articles and answer this question
- Introduction – Define Surveillance capitalism
- Write the features and contexts of the surveillance capitalism
- Impact of surveillance capitalism on state – Sovereignty, Data theft etc, Security
- Example – Twitter V/s Indian State etc
- Can add an element of how states are turning intrusive – Pegasus
- Solution – What should be done in the future
- Conclusion
Discuss the changing nature of modern state with reference to transnational actors. (15 marks)
- Introduction – Define the nature of modern state
- Write about transnational actors briefly with examples – MNCs, Media, Terrorist organization, NGOs
- How they are influencing the state and its functioning
- Impacts both positive and negative and solutions
- Conclusion
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How big a role does identity play in determining political participation in the developing countries? Discuss your answer with suitable illustrations. (20 Marks)
◾️Introduction – Political Participation in developing countries
◾️Role of identity – Caste, Class, Religion, Language etc
◾️Impact – Positive and Negative – Give examples
◾️Compare it with developed countries – How even in developed countries, identity is coming at centre
◾️What it should actually be and solutions for that
New social movements are the products of post-industrial society that give importance to socio – cultural rather than political and economic considerations. Critically examine. (15 Marks)
◾️Introduction – Define social movements
◾️How NSM are products of post-industrial society
◾️Importance of NSM to cultural and social identities
◾️Still – Political and economic considerations are also taken into account (Critic part – Not culture and society alone)
◾️Coming up even in developing countries and even old are re-remerging in developed world
Examine the LGBT movements in developed societies and how it is affecting the political participation in developing societies. (10 marks)
◾️Introduction – Define LGBT Movement
◾️How it has evolved in developed world and impact
◾️Write about its affect in developing societies – Don’t merely write about India only
◾️Impact of the movements
◾️Conclusion – Forward looking
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Critically examine the Globalization in the past 25 years from the perspectives of the Western world. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Define Globalization
What is it from the perspectives of the western world?
Critically examine those perspectives – Good part and bad part – write facts and arguments
What should be done?
What is globalization? Why there is an intense debate about globalization and its consequences? (20 Marks)
Introduction – Define Globalization
Write about globalization according to various scholars
What is the debate on globalization? – Liberal, Marxist, Critical theorist etc
Why is the debate? – Because the impact is different on different people and the consequences are different.
Consequences of globalization
How the debate could be minimized and benefits be increased for all
“Some feel MNCs are a vital road to economic growth, whereas others feel they perpetuate underdevelopment.” Discuss. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Write about MNCs
Brief paragraph and examples and role as transnational actors
How MNCs are the vital road to economic growth- Liberals
However, they perpetuate underdevelopment – Marxist
Solution – Increase the benefit for all
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Is Realist Approach the best method to understand International Relations? Examine this in the context of Classical Realism. (20 Marks)
Introduction – Realism as timeless wisdom or different approaches to International Relations (2-3 lines)
Why Realist approach is the best method – Give arguments and write examples – Explain the theory in relation to Classical Realism briefly
Why not – Issues with the theory of realism
Write other approaches and their significance – Liberalism, Feminist, Marxist, Critical theorist etc
Still Realism has its own importance
Examine the World Systems Approach as developed by Immanuel Wallerstein. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Define World Systems Approach
Explain the theory as developed by Wallerstein
Write the good and critical part of the theory
Where the theory can still be used – Examples
Critically examine the Functionalist approach to the study of International Relations. (10 Marks)
Introduction – 2-3 lines on Functionalist approach and its exponents
Explain the theory briefly
Significance of the theory
Critics of the theory
Conclusion – Still relevant
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Explain the concept of Balance of Power. What are the various techniques of maintaining Balance of Power? (20 Marks)
Introduction – Define Balance of Power (Quote scholars – David Hume – Common Sense like Newton’s law in physics), Nehru, Woodrow Wilson
Write about the concept, explain the origin briefly and the theory
Various techniques – Self help, Diplomacy, Arsenals etc, Soft balancing, Hard balancing,
Issues in BOP – Non-state actors emerging, Nuclear threat, One super-power like America (others – satellite states)
Solutions and still relevant
Explain the challenges in the operation of the principles related to collective security in the UN Charter. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Define Collective Security
What is collective security in UN
Write the theory, operations related to this
Challenges in the operation – Human rights, Politics of P5 nations, Toppling the state, Collective defence against security etc
Solutions – How to solve this
To what extent it is appropriate to consider national interest as a Pseudo-theory? (10 Marks)
Introduction – Define National Interest
Mention the percussors of the national interest
Significance of National Interest
Why it is a pseudo theory – Issues with the concept
Conclusion – How it should be used positively
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Critically examine the decline of United States of America as a hegemon and its implications for the changing international political order. (20 Marks)
Introduction – US as a hegemon (2-3 lines)
Write about the rise of USA briefly
Decline of US as a hegemon – Why the decline, Rise of China
Implication for international political order
Is it truly declining – Still powerful
New emerging order and changes seen
Do you endorse the view that the end of Bipolarity and the rise of multiple regional organization has made Non-Aligned Movement more or less irrelevant? (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write about NAM and Cold War and its emergence
Why relevant in bipolar world
How the bipolarity has ended (Unipolar since 1990s and Multipolar now) and rise of regional organization
Has the development made NAM less relevant – If yes, give arguments and facts
Write both sides – Still relevant – New Cold War, Even, in unipolar world relevant, Moral voice etc
What NAM should do more to remain relevant.
‘Although many echoes and remnants of cold war are still with us, the determinants & the conduct of international affairs have changed drastically’. Comment. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Echoes and Remnants of Cold War (2-3 lines)
What were the determinants and how the conduct has changed drastically?
New determinants
Still many relevant and can be seen in new cold war
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Analyse effect of 2007-09 financial crisis on the processes of global economic governance in the world. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Write about the financial crisis
Briefly explain the crisis in general
Impact on global economic governance – Write both positives and negative impact
How world emerged over it.
(Base the answer on political economy and not politics or economics alone)
Critically evaluate the role of USA in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and its implication for the future of the WTO. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write about WTO Dispute Settlement mechanism
Role of USA in the mechanism
Why USA playing a negative role – Hijacking
Impact of the role on future
New settlement mechanisms developed
Explain the significance and importance of the demand raised by the developing countries for a New International Economic Order (NIEO). Are they likely to achieve their objectives of NIEO in foreseeable future? (20 Marks)
Introduction – Define NIEO
Explain NIEO, its objectives and what are the demands under this
Significance of the demands
Will they achieve – Yes (why?)
Issues in the demands and why it is difficult to achieve
What should be done in that case
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Explain the need for the reform of UN Security Council. What are the major obstacles towards the process of reforms?
Critically evaluate the role of USA in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and its implication for the future of the WTO. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write about WTO Dispute Settlement mechanism
Role of USA in the mechanism
Why USA playing a negative role – Hijacking
Impact of the role on future
New settlement mechanisms developed
Explain the significance and importance of the demand raised by the developing countries for a New International Economic Order (NIEO). Are they likely to achieve their objectives of NIEO in foreseeable future? (20 Marks)
Introduction – Define NIEO
Explain NIEO, its objectives and what are the demands under this
Significance of the demands
Will they achieve – Yes (why?)
Issues in the demands and why it is difficult to achieve
What should be done in that case
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UN is not a system operating in vacuum, it has become the microcosm of world politics. Comment. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Write about UN in 2-3 lines
How UN doesn’t operate in vacuum
Influence of world politics on UN
How UN has become reflection of World Politics
Reforms needed urgently
Do you agree with the view that despite the limitations in the functioning of the UN, it has distinguished and unique achievements to its credit? (15 Marks)
Introduction – Quote on UN, 2-3 Lines etc
Limitations in functioning of the body
Despite limitations – Distinguished achievements
Prevented 3rd WW, UNHRC, UNESCO, UNICEF, Research, Discussions etc
UN Peacekeeping etc
Still reforms needed or will be irrelevant in future
Discuss the major impediments to UNSC reforms. Mention the recent steps taken by international community to advance towards the goal. (20 Marks)
Introduction – UNSC (2-3 Lines)
Functioning of UNSC and issues in it
Reforms needed in the functioning
Impediments in the reforms
Trials for reforms till now
What are the recent steps in reforms?
What should be done – Solutions
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Since its inception the SAARC has failed to deliver on its promises. What initiatives should be taken to reinvigorate the organization? (20 Marks)
Introduction – Write about SAARC in 2-3 lines
About SAARC, its inception, data and facts
Significance of SAARC
Promises and objectives of SAARC
Why SAARC failed to deliver on its promises
Issues with SAARC
Initiatives to reinvigorate the organization
Critically analyse the role of ASEAN in the promotion of regional peace and security through economic cooperation and trade. (15 Marks)
Introduction – 2-3 lines on ASEAN
Data, Facts on ASEAN
How ASEAN Promoted regional Peace, Security and Economic Cooperation and Trade (Write individually)
What are the issues – Some not developed, Internal civil war etc
India’s concerns in RCEP. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Quote some scholar on RCEP
Write about RCEP, its significance briefly
Concerns of RCEP for India – Why India didn’t joined?
Why India should join?
What we should do to join?
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Discuss the relevance of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on the security of women in conflict zones. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write about UNSC 1325 resolution
Issue of women in International Relations – Security of women in conflict zones
Objectives of the resolution
Relevance of the resolution – Impact on women
Issues with the fulfilment of resolution
Refugees lie at the heart of world politics. Elucidate. To what extent we can say that human displacement has become a core concern of contemporary international politics. Elaborate. (20 Marks)
Introduction – Write about world politics (2-3 lines)
Concerns of world politics – Refugee most important concern
How Refugee are at heart of world politics? (Quote data, examples etc)
Why human displacement is the core concern?
Steps taken to solve this – Organizations, Summits, Treaties, Conventions etc
Still issues
What more can be done
To what extent global trend is in favour of democracy? (10 Marks)
Introduction – Describe democracy or Quote democracy Index
Significance of democratic setup
Trend of democracy – Negative – Myanmar, Capitol Hill Violence, Canada, Protests etc
Freedom of speech, rights of people etc
What can be done to reverse it?
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India’s current foreign policy marks significant qualitative shifts from that of the previous regimes. Discuss. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Define Foreign Policy or quote some scholar
Briefly write about Indian Foreign Policy
How current FP shows qualitative shifts
Still founding principles are same
Discuss the role of Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in promoting India’s soft power abroad. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Define ICCR
Role of ICCR in promoting Soft Power
Significance of this promotion – How helping India to achieve strategic objective?
Issues in fulfilment of this role
Describe the structure and function of National Security Council of India. What role does it play in the formulation of Indian Foreign Policy? (20 Marks)
Introduction – 2-3 lines about National Security Council
Describe the structure of the council
Write its functions
Significance of the council
Role it played in formulation of IFP
Give examples
Issues in the NSC – No legal backing, Cabinet status to NSA etc
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Compare and contrast Non alignment 1.0 with Non alignment 2.0. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Write about NAM (2-3 lines)
Write about NAM and first enlist similarities between both
Compare NAM 1.0 with NAM 2.0 (multi-alignment)
Simple Questions – Stick to basics
Non-alignment was little more than a rational strategy on the part of a materially weak India to maximise its interests with a bipolar distribution of global power. Comment. (20 Marks)
Introduction – Write about NAM (2-3 lines)
How NAM was a rational strategy?
Significance of NAM
It left India alone – None came to help in 1962 – Issues led by NAM
Weak strategy
Briefly on how it has been modified today
NAM was a noble idea that never had a chance to live’. Discuss. Assess the relevance of NAM for India in present time. (15 Marks)
Introduction – About NAM (2-3 lines)
Write about Idea of NAM
Why it never had a chance to live – Issues in NAM
Relevance of NAM in present times – Write both sides
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What are the current issues in Brahmaputra River water sharing between India and China? (10 Marks)
Introduction – Write about India – China relation and water as emerging issue of contention.
Issues related to Brahmaputra
Implications for India
Options for India to deal with it
Conclusion – Can write on Hydro-Diplomacy etc
How does cross-border terrorism impede the achievements of peace and security in South Asia? (20 Marks)
Introduction – Write about South Asia (2-3 lines)
Security, Violence and other issues in the region
Reasons for such issues – Cross border terrorism being one of them
How Cross border terrorism impedes the achievement – What it leads to? Give examples
Why it has not solved since ages?
How it can be solved?
Discuss the strategic implication of India’s Look East Policy transforming into Act East Policy. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write about East of India, South East Asia etc in 2-3 Lines
Importance of South East Asia and India’s Policy Look East
Why Look East needed to be modified into Act East
Implications of the modification into Act East – Objectives, achievements etc
How to further act to really see strategic achievements
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Identify the drivers of India’s new interests in Latin America. (10 Marks)
Introduction – India – Latin America relation (Quote some scholar or data)
Early relations and issues in that
New Interest – Pharma, Eco-tourism, Agriculture, Lithium reserves etc
Steps taken by India to promote the relations
How do the guiding principles of India-Africa relations seek to enhance harmony and mutual cooperation between India and Africa? (20 Marks)
Introduction – Write 2-3 lines of India-Africa relations
Early relations
What are the guiding principles – NAM, De-colonization, Development of all, Capacity building, Vasudhev Kutumbakam etc
How these principle has enhanced harmony and mutual cooperation?
Need to reform and revisit the principles in accordance with current trends
Explain India’s position on the waiver of intellectual property rights on Covid-19 vaccines in WTO. (15 Marks)
Introduction – 2-3 Lines on IPR
Covid Vaccine and IPR
Need of IPR waiver – Accessibility, affordability, Everyone must get it to end pandemic
India’s position on IPR
Position of other countries
Issues in getting the waivers
Solutions and Conclusion
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Do you agree that growing assertiveness of China is leading to a multi-layered Indo-Japan relations? Comment. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Complex International Relations or 2-3 lines of Indo-Japan etc
Write about growing assertiveness of China
Impact of rise on India and Japan
How the impact has made the two countries to come closer and relation has turned
multi-layered unlike earlier times
Still potential of relation not achieved
How to make relationship more strategic to counter China
Relations between India and Russia are rooted in history, mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation. Discuss (15 Marks)
Introduction – 2-3 lines on India – Russia relation
How the relation is rooted in history
In mutual trust – 1971 war, arms ammunitions, UNSC etc
Mutually beneficial cooperation
Issues in the relation currently
Impact on the relation of various external factors
How to find new areas and re-ignite the cooperation
Discuss the significance of Indo-US strategic partnership and its implications for India’s security and national defence. (20 Marks)
Introduction – India-US relations
Describe the relation along various factors
Significance of the strategic partnership
Steps taken in field of defence advancements – Chinook, Foundational arguments etc
Implication for India’s security and national defence
Issues in the relation – Russian equipment, other issues
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Explain the importance of India’s claim for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. (10 Marks)
Introduction – About UN Security Council (2-3 lines)
Permanent members and significance of permanent seat
Why India should be given the seat
What India will gain from the seat?
Chances of getting the permanent membership – Both sides
A mandate for international peacekeeping can only be effective if rising powers like India have been given voice to shape the future of governance in this context’. Comment. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write 2-3 lines on UN Peace Keeping (2-3 lines)
Contribution of rising powers
Issues in UN Peace Keeping – Prominent one being – No voice of rising power – Why and How? Explain
Significance of giving voice – Why it is necessary, How will overhaul the peacekeeping?
Solutions and Conclusion
Critically examine India’s interests with the rise of China in UN and related world organizations. (20 Marks)
Introduction – Rise of China in UN Organizations (Quote Data and examples)
Show China’s rise with various examples
Why China is rising – Decline of USA, funding etc
Impact of China’s rise – Hold the world power etc
Negative Impact and issues with rise of China
Effect on India’s interest – How Russia supported since long in UNSC, Now who is supporting etc, Hijacked by China – Votes of developing and LDCs etc
Response by India
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Given the recent developments in the region, do you think that there is a need to change India’s No First Use (NFU) nuclear policy? (10 Marks)
Introduction – About NFU and India’s policy on that
Recent developments in the region – China increasing weapons, Galwan Clash, Pak etc
Should India change the posture looking at above developments – Yes and No both sides
What should be done?
Examine the evolution of India’s role in the global nuclear order. (20 Marks)
Introduction – Write about global nuclear order
Origin of nuclear order, its making, context
Briefly write on how the order evolved post 1950
Write the evolution of India’s role
Examine that role – Positives and negatives of the evolution – Where India missed and what it did correctly
How it should be now?
Write about NPT, NSG, CTBT, PBT, ICAN etc
As we have completed 20 years since Pokhran II, there is a need to reassess India’s nuclear policy and postures. Critically examine. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write about Pokhran II (2-3 Lines)
Briefly explain Pokhran I and II including the bomb test etc
Nuclear policy and posture defined by the Govt and various committees
Is there a need to reassess – Write both sides with reasons and arguments
Conclusion – Fair statement on what should be done
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Critically examine the role of India in shaping the emerging world order. (20 Marks)
Introduction – Define world order
Old World Order, Changes, what is emerging as new world order?
Why the change in the order?
What has been the role of India earlier and what should be the role?
Is India playing it properly?
Issues in the role being played by India and Lacunas
Solutions – How should India act more and what should be done
How does the recent takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban impact India’s strategic interests? (15 Marks)
Introduction – Write about Afghanistan, Great games, Strategic Importance
India’s strategic interest in Afghanistan
US moving out, Taliban taking over and recent developments
How will this development impact India’s interest (Presence of Pakistan, Strategic depth etc)
How has India responded to the development till now?
What should be done in future?
The growing closeness between India and Israel will strengthen the cause of Palestine. Comment. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Israel-Palestine Issue
Developments over these
How the closeness between India and Israel is growing
Impact on the cause of Palestine
Still – Write some critics
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Do you think that sustainable development goals are really attainable by 2030? (15 Marks)
Introduction – Define SDGs
Write their origin and context
Performance of countries overall
Can they be attained?
Bottlenecks in achieving the goals
What should be done
Write from the perspective of International Relations and Politics and not GS answer
Explain the reasons for low voter-turnout in democratic countries with suitable examples. (15 Marks)
Introduction – Data/Facts on voter-turnout in democratic countries
Quote EIU – World Democracy Index etc, Give examples
Explain the reasons for low voter-turnout
Impact on democracies
Alternatives of Peoples participation
Solutions – What should be done
How is India responding to the idea of Indo-Pacific? (20 Marks)
Introduction – 2-3 lines on Indo-Pacific
Idea of Indo-Pacific, Origin and context
How is world reacting to the idea?
Response by India
Challenges to the Idea of Indo-Pacific and India’s response
Issues with India’s response and what it should do
Write about liberalism, rule of law, organizations formed like INCOIS, IOC etc