
  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Explain the characteristics of social groups in anthropology. How do social groups contribute to the formation of identity and social cohesion within a society? (15 marks)


Explain the concept of culture in anthropology. Discuss the characteristics of culture and how it influences human behavior and societal norms. (10 marks)


Define social stratification and its relationship to social inequality. How does social stratification affect access to resources, opportunities, and social mobility within a society? (15 marks)


Discuss the concept of cultural relativism and its relevance in anthropological fieldwork. How does cultural relativism guide anthropologists in approaching diverse cultural contexts and interpreting cultural practices? (20 marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 



Explore the impact of feminist movements on family structures and gender roles. How have feminist ideologies influenced perceptions of marriage, family, and household responsibilities? (15 marks)


Describe the various forms of polyandry observed in different cultural contexts. How do socio-economic factors and ecological conditions influence the prevalence of polyandry? (15 marks)


Explain the concept of hypergamy and hypogamy in the context of marriage regulations. How do these practices reflect social stratification and notions of social status? (15 marks)


Discuss the impact of urbanization and industrialization on family structures and dynamics. How do these processes influence the traditional roles and responsibilities within families? (20 marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Compare and contrast descriptive and classificatory kinship terminologies. How do these systems reflect the cultural understandings of kinship relationships and influence social interactions? (20 marks)


Explain the concept of complementary filiation in kinship. How does it function in societies with complex kinship systems, and what are its implications for inheritance and social roles? (15 marks)


Discuss the significance of moiety systems in kinship organization. How do moiety systems contribute to social structure, marriage rules, and ritual practices in certain societies? (15 marks)


Analyze the relationship between kinship and marriage practices in different cultures. How do rules of endogamy, exogamy, hypergamy, and hypogamy influence marital choices and social alliances? (20 marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Discuss the role of reciprocity in maintaining social relationships and cohesion within tribal communities. Provide examples of how reciprocity is practiced in different cultural contexts and explain its implications on economic organization. (15 Marks)


Debate between formalist and substantivist approaches (10 Marks, PYQ)


Examine the concept of swiddening as a mode of subsistence and its relationship with the economic organization of certain tribal societies. Discuss the ecological implications of swidden agriculture and its adaptability in the face of modern changes. (15 Marks)


Compare and contrast the economic systems of hunting and gathering societies with agricultural societies. Highlight the key differences in their principles governing production, distribution, and exchange. (15 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


“Political organization is intricately linked with economic and social structures in a society.” Analyze this statement with reference to the relationship between political organization and other aspects of social life in both simple and complex societies. (15 marks)


Compare and contrast the political organization of a band society with that of a chiefdom. Analyze how power and authority are distributed in these two types of societies and how they influence social control mechanisms. (15 marks)


Examine the relationship between political organization and economic activities in a kingdom. How do economic factors influence political power, and how does the political organization impact economic decision-making in a state-level society? (20 marks)


“Social control mechanisms in stateless societies rely heavily on norms, values, and informal sanctions.” Discuss this statement, citing examples from different stateless societies, and analyze the effectiveness of such mechanisms in maintaining order. (15 marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Critically examine evolutionist approach to study religion. (10 marks)

Approach :
Define religion
Discuss various evolutionist approaches with examples.
Discuss drawbacks.
Relevance of this approach.


Elaborate on some of the characteristic features of tribal religions in India and Discuss how far they have changed in recent times.


Enlist characteristic features of tribal religions in India

Throw a light on current status of these features.  

Conclude in the relevance.


Write a short note on: Totemism (10Marks, PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Write a short note on Linguistic Anthropology and its significance to cultural studies. (10M)


Critically discuss the National Character Studies? – 15 marks (3 pages)


▪️Define term

▪️Different thinkers and their studies

▪️Relation with concept


▪️Relevance and conclusion


State the theories regarding the origin of spoken languages in human societies both from Biological and cultural points of view. (15 Marks, PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Discuss the significance of the Culture and Personality approach in understanding human behavior and cultural patterns. How does this approach contribute to the study of the relationship between culture and individual psychology? (15 marks)


Explain the key features of Post-modernism in anthropology. How does Post-modernism challenge traditional anthropological perspectives and methods? (20 marks)


Compare and contrast the theories of Structural-Functionalism and Structuralism in anthropology. How do these theories differ in their approach to understanding societies and cultures? (20 marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Examine the contributions of E.B. Tylor, Lewis Henry Morgan, and James Frazer to the development of Classical Evolutionism in anthropology. How did their theories shape the understanding of cultural evolution during their time? (20 marks)


Discuss the core ideas of Historical Particularism as proposed by Franz Boas. How did Boas’s approach challenge the prevailing evolutionary theories in anthropology during the early 20th century? (15 marks)


Compare and contrast the diffusionist approaches of British, German, and American anthropologists. How did each school of diffusionism explain the spread and influence of cultural traits among societies? (20 marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Explain the theoretical framework of Functionalism as developed by Bronislaw Malinowski. How did Malinowski’s functionalist approach enhance the understanding of cultural practices and social institutions? (20 marks)


Examine the concept of “Culture and Personality” as explored by Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead. How did their research contribute to the understanding of the relationship between culture and individual personality traits? (15 marks)


Critically analyze the cultural materialism theory proposed by Marvin Harris. How did Harris use materialistic explanations to understand cultural practices and behaviors, and what were the strengths and weaknesses of his approach in explaining cultural variations? (20 marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Explain the key differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods in Anthropology. Give examples of research questions that are best addressed using each approach. (15 Marks)


Critically evaluate the use of genealogy as a data collection method in Anthropology. Explain the steps involved in constructing genealogies and the insights they can provide into kinship systems and social structures. (15 Marks)


Explain the significance of participant observation as a fieldwork method in Anthropology. Discuss the ethical considerations that researchers need to keep in mind while conducting participant observation and how they can address potential challenges. (20 Marks)


Discuss the various tools of data collection used in anthropological research. Explain the strengths and limitations of each method. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Examine the interdisciplinary nature of anthropology and its relationships with different fields like social sciences, behavioral sciences, and life sciences. (20 Marks)


Discuss the scope and significance of archaeological anthropology in understanding human history and cultural evolution. Give examples of key archaeological findings. (15 Marks)


Critically analyze the contributions of biological anthropology in understanding human evolution, adaptation, and variation. Explain how this branch informs our knowledge of human populations. (15 Marks)


Does structuralism in social anthropology coincide with that in linguistics ? Critically assess their analogy. (PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Explain how Migrations and Mutations cause evolution? – 15 marks

Approach :

  • Definition
  • Mechanism
  • Role of both phenomena with examples.


Critically discuss the Mendelian Principles in man? – 15 marks

Approach :

  • Define principle
  • Example of principle in human
  • Exception to principles
  • Conclusion.


Anthropological relevance of population genetics (20 Marks , PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Critically discuss the Mendelian principles and their application to human populations.


Discuss monogenic and Polygenic inheritance in man, citing suitable examples.


What do you understand by ‘Genetic Load’ in a population? How is it measured And what are the important factors that can influence it?  (15 Marks , PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Critically analyze the ethical implications of genetic screening and counseling in the context of chromosomal aberrations. Discuss the challenges and dilemmas faced by healthcare professionals and individuals seeking genetic information. (20 Marks)


Discuss the major types of chromosomal aberrations in humans, focusing on both numerical and structural anomalies. Give examples for each type and explain their potential impacts on human health. (20 Marks)


Examine the role of sex chromosomal aberrations in shaping human genetic diversity and its implications for reproductive health. Take the examples of Klinefelter and Turner syndromes to illustrate the consequences of such aberrations. (20 Marks)


Examine the methodologies used for the detection and analysis of chromosomal aberrations in humans. Highlight the importance of techniques like karyotyping and FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) in diagnosing various chromosomal disorders. (15 Marks)


Explain the role of gene mapping and genome studies in unraveling the genetic basis of complex diseases. How has the advancement of genomic research contributed to the development of personalized medicine and targeted therapies? (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


 Write a short note on Race and Racism. (10 Marks)


With reference to the somatoscopic and morphometric characteristics commonly used for racial classification, make critical comments as to whether ‘Race’ is a valid concept. (20 Marks)


Explain the role of hereditary and environment in the formation of races. (15 Marks , PYQ)


Analyze the biological and environmental factors that contribute to the variation in human physical traits commonly associated with racial differences. How can the understanding of these factors help debunk racial stereotypes? (15 Marks)


Examine the impact of race crossing on the biological and social aspects of human populations. Give examples of societies or regions where race crossing has led to unique patterns of morphological variation and cultural diversity. (15 Marks)


Explain the concept of race and its implications in understanding human genetic diversity. How has the understanding of race evolved over time in anthropological discourse? (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Write a short note on ecological anthropology. (10 M)


What is the basis of the survival of humans in high altitude and colder climatic conditions? (15M)


Examine adaptive significance of human variations in Tropical and Arctic climatic zones. (15 M, PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Write a short note on Epidemiological Transition? – 10 mark


“Nutrition affects several physical features.” Exemplify – 10 marks


Give a competitive account of the variations in hemoglobin levels and respiratory functions among the populations.  (15 M, PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Human growth and development are the consequences of multiple factors. Elaborate. (20M)


Explain Biological and chronological longevity.(10 Marks)


Define Somatotype. Describe the salient features of Somatotype.  (20 M, PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Describe the stages of human growth and development from prenatal till infant. (15M)


Discuss the different methods of studying human growth. (20M)


Discuss Ageing and Senescence. Describe either the biological or social theories of Ageing. (20M, PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Explain how biological factors such as genetics and health status can influence fecundity and fertility rates in human populations. Discuss the complexities involved in studying and interpreting these influences. (10 Marks)


Analyse the impact of menarche and menopause on women’s reproductive health, considering both the biological changes and the socio-cultural context. How do these events influence fertility differentials? (20 Marks)


Analyze the interconnectedness of biological and socio-ecological factors in determining fertility and mortality differentials between urban and rural populations. How can targeted interventions address these disparities? (20 Marks)


Differentiate fecundity from fertility (15 Marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Discuss the Malthusian theory of population growth and its relevance in contemporary anthropology. (15 Marks)


Compare and contrast the cultural and social theories of population growth, highlighting key differences and their implications for understanding demographic changes in societies. (20 Marks)


Explain the concept of “demographic transition theory.” Discuss its stages and how it has been applied to understand population changes in different regions. (10 Marks)


Write a short note on Food fertility nexus. (10 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per your enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Explain defence applications of anthropology. (15 M)



Write a short note on Genetic Counselling. (10 M)



Nutritional Anthropology. (10 M)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 

Question 1 ) 

Critically examine biological & cultural factors in Human Evolution? – 15 marks

Approach :
Define both
Give example
Correlation between two
Conclude with current relevance


 Write a short note on Adaptive Radiation? – 10 marks

Define term
Factors responsible
Current Relevance



Elucidate the theory of Evolution as put forward by Lamarck. (15 M)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Lamarckism and Darwinism.  (10M)



Explain the Genetic Mechanism of micro and macro evolution. (15M, PYQ)



Biological evolution of Early man.  (10 M)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 

Question 1 ) 

Write a note on Primate & primate Taxonomy (10Marks)



Explain skeletal changes in man due to erect posture (15 Marks)



What are the different fossil primates of the Palaeocene and Eocene times? (15M)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 

Question 1 ) 

Explain the significance of the Australopithecus afarensis fossil “Lucy” in the study of human evolution, considering her physical characteristics and the implications for bipedalism. (15 Marks)



Explain the regional variations in Homo erectus populations in Africa, Europe, and Asia, highlighting the environmental factors that may have driven these differences. (15 Marks)



Analyze the social structures and possible cultural behaviors of Neanderthal populations at Mt. Carmel and their interactions with contemporary Homo sapiens. (20 Marks)



Describe the characteristics and geographical distribution of Rhodesian man (Homo rhodesiensis) and its significance in the context of human evolution. (15 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 

Question 1 ) 

Discuss the physical characteristics and cultural achievements of the Cro-Magnon people, emphasizing their contributions to early art and culture. (20 Marks)



Analyze the geographical distribution of the Grimaldi and Chancelede populations and their potential contributions to the genetic diversity of Homo sapiens. (15 Marks)



Discuss the morphological characteristics and cultural aspects of Neanderthal populations at La-Chapelle-aux-Saints, highlighting their uniqueness among hominids. (15 Marks)



“Europeans are closer Neanderthals.” Critically discuss in view of the African origin of Humankind. (15M, PYQ)



What are the physical and cultural characteristics of Homo erectus? Discuss its phylogenetic status? (20M, PYQ)



  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Compare and contrast relative dating methods with absolute dating methods. Highlight their strengths and limitations. (20 Marks)


Examine the cultural adaptations and innovations of Mesolithic societies, emphasizing changes in subsistence strategies and social structures. (15 Marks


Discuss the cultural diversity within Palaeolithic communities in India, highlighting regional variations in tool assemblages and subsistence strategies. (20 Marks)


Explain the principles of relative dating methods in archaeological anthropology, give examples of their application in understanding prehistoric cultures. (15 Marks)


Discuss the key characteristics and cultural significance of the Sohanian Tradition in the context of prehistoric cultures in the Indian subcontinent. (10 Marks)


Examine the transition from Palaeolithic to Mesolithic cultures in India, highlighting changes in technology, subsistence strategies, and social organization. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Elaborate on radiometric methods used in dating fossils in archaeological anthropology. Discuss their applications and limitations. (10 Marks)


Discuss the significance of the Neolithic Revolution in human history, highlighting the shift to agriculture, domestication, and its impact on cultural evolution. (20 Marks)


Elaborate on the principles of prehistoric archaeology, including the methods used for excavations, data analysis, and the reconstruction of past cultures. (20 Marks)


Elaborate Dating Techniques in Archaeological Anthropology.( 20 Marks)


Discuss the key characteristics and geographic distribution of Palaeolithic cultures in the Indian subcontinent. How did environmental factors shape their lifestyles? (15 Marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Discuss the urban centers and trade networks during the Protohistoric period in the Indian subcontinent. What evidence supports the existence of urbanization and trade during this time? (15 Marks)


Examine the socio-cultural developments during the Harappan and post-Harappan periods in India, highlighting factors that contributed to cultural continuity and change. (20 Marks)*


Analyze the contributions of tribal cultures to Indian civilization, focusing on their influence on art, language, and social practices. (15 Marks)


Discuss the protohistoric cultures of the Indian subcontinent, emphasizing the transition from pre-Harappan to Harappan civilizations and the factors contributing to this transition. (20 Marks)


Examine the trade routes and economic systems of the Indus Valley Civilization, including their interactions with other contemporary cultures. (15 Marks)


Describe the archaeological evidence for Pre-Harappan cultures in the Indian subcontinent, highlighting their subsistence strategies and early settlements. (15 Marks)


Analyze the factors that led to the decline of the Harappan Civilization and the emergence of Post-Harappan cultures in India. (20 Marks)


Components of culture and its link with civilization. (15 Marks, PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Importance of Siwaliks in Anthropology. (15M)


Homo erectus Narmadensis. (10M)


Paleoanthropological significance of Narmada man. (10 M, PYQ)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


What were the primary goals of Colonial Ethnography in India, and how did it influence subsequent anthropological studies? (15 Marks)


India offers tremendous potential for ethnoarchaeology. Elaborate. (15 Marks)


Analyze the changing socio-cultural dynamics and livelihood strategies of hunting and gathering tribes in India over the past century. How can an ethno-archaeological approach help us trace and understand these transformations? (15 Marks)


Explain the significance of applying an ethno-archaeological approach to study the craftsmanship of indigenous communities in India.Give examples of how this approach enhances our understanding of traditional craft techniques and their cultural implications. (15 Marks)


Discuss the methodological challenges and ethical considerations in conducting ethno-archaeological research in India, especially among indigenous and marginalized communities. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 Question or 2 Questions (as per your course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


How has British ethnography, particularly the work of Risley, influenced the classification of India’s population based on race and caste? (10 Marks)


Compare and contrast the classical model of ethnic and linguistic classifications with modern approaches to understanding the diversity within the Indian population. Assess the advantages and limitations of both methods. (15 Marks)


Assess the contributions and limitations of Guha’s racial classification in understanding the complex ethnic composition of India. (15 Marks)


Discuss the cultural significance of polyandry and the presence of Negrito groups in India. How do these factors contribute to demographic diversity? (10 Marks)


Evaluate the demographic challenges arising from high population growth in India, and recommend comprehensive strategies for population management in light of both social and economic implications. (20 Marks)


Evaluate the role of racial classification theories in understanding the ethnic and genetic diversity within India, with a particular focus on their implications for anthropology and contemporary societal dynamics. (15 Marks)


Compare and contrast Guha’s racial classification with contemporary anthropological perspectives on India’s ethnic diversity. Analyze how these different approaches contribute to our understanding of the complex ethnic landscape in the country. (20 Marks)


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Relevance of traditional Indian social system. (15 Marks)


Elaborate on the fundamental concepts of purusharthas in Hinduism, and assess the social and ethical implications of effectively managing the ‘Trivarga.’ (15 Marks)


Analyze the cultural and spiritual importance of the ‘Rina’ concept in Hinduism, and evaluate the historical and contemporary methods suggested by scholars for repaying this debt. (15 Marks)


Evaluate the impact of the disintegration of the traditional joint family system in recent decades on the practice of Purushartha and the preservation of Varnashram. How have societal changes influenced these traditional concepts? (15 Marks)


Examine the role of the joint family system in upholding the principles of Varnashram. How did this social structure facilitate the practice of Purushartha and the management of Karma within the family unit? (20 Marks)


Discuss the concept of Varnashram in traditional Indian society. How did this social system influence the division of labor and roles within the community? (15 Marks)


Concept of Karma in relation to caste. (10Marks, PYQ)


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Discuss the concept of a “Dominant Caste” in the context of Indian villages and critically evaluate its significance in contemporary rural India, illustrating your points with relevant examples. (20 Marks)


Explain Louis Dumont’s interpretation of the caste system in India, highlighting the fundamental aspects of his theory and their implications for understanding caste dynamics. (15 Marks)


Write a short note on Jajmani system. (10 Marks)


Discuss the concept of caste mobility, and evaluate the impact of Sanskritization as a socio-cultural process in facilitating or constraining mobility within the Indian caste system. (20 Marks)


Examine the role of caste system in the present political context. (15 Marks, PYQ)


What are the different perspectives to understand the Caste system? (15 Marks)


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How is sacred complex concept related to civilizational school in anthropology? (15M)


Nature Man Spirit complex. (10M)


Discuss the essential features of the caste system in India. Critically examine its role in the changing social context in contemporary times. (20 M)


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Village social system has been influenced by forces of globalization. Elaborate. (15 M)


Settlement patterns of Indian villages. (10M)


Analyze how the village studies contributed in understanding the Indian Social System. (15M, PYQ)


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Examine how village studies in India have enriched our understanding of social transformations. Give specific examples of significant contributions made by these studies to the field of anthropology. (20 Marks)


Examine the characteristics and criteria that determine a dominant caste in Indian villages. Evaluate the contemporary relevance of this concept in the context of reservations in democratic institutions and its implications for rural socio-political dynamics. (20 Marks)


Discuss the challenges and underlying causes of child mortality in rural areas, and explore the role of healthcare infrastructure, education, and community interventions in reducing child mortality rates in these regions. (20 Marks)


Analyze the characteristics and significance of peasant societies, particularly in the context of agrarian economies. Explore how these societies have evolved over time and their relevance in contemporary society. (20 Marks)


Discuss the contributions of S.C. Dube towards the understanding of the Indian village. (15 Marks)


Examine the social and cultural consequences of globalization on Indian villages. How have exposure to global ideas and media affected traditional practices and identities? (15 Marks)


Explain the concept of ‘globalization’ and its impact on the traditional settlement patterns of Indian villages. How has globalization influenced migration and urbanization in rural areas? (15 Marks)


Analyze the factors that have led to changes in settlement patterns in Indian villages over the past few decades. How have these changes impacted social life and community dynamics? (15 Marks)


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Discuss the bio-genetic variability among tribal populations in India. How does this variability contribute to their unique cultural practices and traditions? (20 Marks)


Analyze the social and political challenges faced by linguistic minorities in India. Give examples to illustrate your points. (15 Marks)


Discuss the economic status of religious minorities in India. How does their economic condition relate to their overall social and political status? (20 Marks)


What are the major linguistic families in India? Identify such families showing the geographical distribution and the population Groups under different families. (20 Marks)


Write a short note on Austro Asiatic Languages in India. (10 Marks)


Discuss the genetic diversity observed among various tribal groups in India, emphasizing the factors contributing to this diversity and its implications for anthropological studies. (15 Marks)


Distinguish between characteristics and problems of linguistic and religious minorities in India. Give examples of conflicts generated by such considerations and steps to resolve them. (PYQ)


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Examine how sanskritization and westernization contribute to the transformation of Indian society and culture. Give brief examples to illustrate their impact and relevance. (15 Marks)


Examine the dynamics between “little traditions” and “great traditions” in Indian society. How does this interplay contribute to cultural diversity and continuity? (15 Marks)


How does Sanskritization affect the social hierarchy and caste structure in Indian society? Discuss the challenges and opportunities it presents for marginalized communities. (20 Marks)


Discuss the impact of Westernization on gender roles and the status of women in Indian society. Give examples of how Western ideas have contributed to changes in gender dynamics. (20 Marks)


Examine the challenges faced by traditional Indian artisans and craftsmen in the era of modernization. How can their skills be preserved and integrated into the modern economy? (20 Marks)


Discuss the limitations of the Panchayati Raj system in addressing social inequalities in rural India. What reforms could enhance its effectiveness in promoting social change? (20 Marks)


Explain the role of media in shaping political opinions and mobilizing public opinion in India. How has media influenced social movements and political change? (15 Marks)


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Briefly analyze how constitutional provisions in India address land alienation in tribal areas, highlighting their effectiveness and suggesting potential improvements. (20 Marks)


Elaborate with examples the problems of tribal communities in India (20 Marks)


Analyze the challenges of unemployment and underemployment faced by tribal communities. How does this affect their overall health and nutrition status? (15 Marks)


Examine the link between poverty, indebtedness, and the low literacy rates among tribal populations. How can educational facilities be improved to address this issue? (20 Marks)


Write in detail various provisions provided by the Constitution of India for the scheduled tries under 5th and 6th schedules. (20 Marks)


 Discuss the historical and contemporary factors contributing to land alienation among tribal communities in India. (15 Marks)


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Land and forest are the twin problems of tribes. Explain. (10 Marks, PYQ)


Describe the constitutional safeguards provided for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in India. How have these safeguards evolved over time to address their socio-economic issues? (20 Marks)


Discuss the role of conflicting self-interests in driving exploitation between tribal and non-tribal communities. Give concise examples and analyze the socio-economic repercussions.


Analyze the post-independence trend of ethnic identity assertion in India. Assess the role of Constitutional safeguards and their impact on national integration.


Debate whether addressing untouchability and related issues should primarily be through social reform efforts or as part of administrative and legal measures. Give arguments for both perspectives. (20 Marks)


Discuss the forms of exploitation and deprivation experienced by Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, and Other Backward Classes in India. How can policy interventions address these challenges? (15 Marks)


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Discuss the problem of tribal displacement in India. To what extent are development policies responsible for such displacement? Also explain the role of NGOs in providing the remedial measures to the affected people. (PYQ, 20 Marks)


Analyze the key problems and challenges faced by tribal populations during the displacement caused by developmental projects. Highlight the role of government initiatives and policies in ensuring their effective rehabilitation and socio-economic upliftment. (20 Marks)


Democratisation & subsequent Social change among tribals (15 Marks)


Investigate the role of Gram Sabhas in implementing the Forest Rights Act (FRA) 2006 and protecting the rights of tribal communities. Highlight challenges and suggest measures for its effective implementation. (15 Marks)


Explain the role of forest policies in the historical displacement of tribal communities. Assess the effectiveness of recent forest policy reforms in safeguarding tribal rights and promoting sustainable forest management. (20 Marks)


Explain the importance of FRA 2006 for tribal communities along with issues in its implementation. (20 Marks )


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The impact of Urbanization and Industrialization on tribal women. (PYQ, 10 Marks)


Evaluate the effectiveness of various development programs and welfare measures in addressing the socio-economic disparities among tribal and weaker sections of society. Discuss the role of local governance in the successful implementation of these initiatives. (20 Marks)


Analyze the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in advocating for tribal rights and welfare. How can NGOs collaborate with government agencies to enhance the effectiveness of tribal development programs? (15 Marks)


Explain how industrialisation affects tribal communities. (15 Marks )


Describe the impact of modern democratic institutions, such as Panchayati Raj, on tribal communities in India. How have these institutions contributed to their political participation and socio-economic development? (15 Marks)


Displacement & rehabilitation of tribals. (10 Marks)


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Discuss the historical evolution of the Fifth Schedule and Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution and their significance in safeguarding the rights of tribal communities. (15 Marks)


To what extent does the social organization of work influence the class structure and power dynamics in industrial capitalist societies? Analyze the impact of labor movements on these dynamics. (15 Marks)


Examine the role of anthropological research in addressing the challenges faced by tribal populations in contemporary India, with a focus on issues related to isolation and assimilation. (15 Marks)


Analyze the impact of the Tribal Panchsheel proposed by Jawaharlal Nehru on the development and welfare of tribal communities in India, considering the changing dynamics of development practices. (20 Marks)


Elaborate on the changes in the administration of tribal areas in India from the colonial period to the post-Independence era. Discuss the nature of these changes and analyze their implications on tribal communities. (20 Marks)


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The concept of PTGs (Primitive Tribal Groups), their distribution, special programs for their development, and the role of NGOs in tribal development.


Examine the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in empowering tribal communities in India. Give examples of successful NGO interventions and their impact on tribal development. (20 Marks)


“The classification of tribal communities as PTGs is based primarily on their level of technological advancement.” Evaluate the accuracy of this statement and discuss the broader criteria used for PTG classification. (15 Marks)


Evaluate the effectiveness of partnerships between government agencies and NGOs in promoting tribal welfare and development. Give examples of successful collaborative efforts and their impact. (20 Marks)

History of administration of tribal areas, tribal policies, plans, programmes of tribal development, and their implementation.


Compare and contrast the tribal policies and approaches to tribal development during the post-independence period under different governments, analyzing their effectiveness and shortcomings. (20 Marks)


Discuss the role of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in India, its functions, and the initiatives it has taken to promote tribal welfare and development. (15 Marks)


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Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, and Christianity on Indian society:


Examine the influence of Islam on the cultural and religious fabric of India. Discuss the integration of Islamic elements into Indian society and their lasting impact. (15 Marks)


Analyze the impact of Jainism on Indian society, emphasizing its principles of non-violence, truth, and asceticism, and their implications for social and ethical values. (15 Marks)


Evaluate the anthropological influence of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, and Christianity on Indian society and culture. Examine the distinctive cultural and social changes brought about by each of these religions. (20 Marks)

Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and other religions on tribal societies:


Evaluate the influence of Hinduism on tribal communities in India, discussing how Hindu religious practices and beliefs have interacted with tribal traditions and the resulting socio-cultural dynamics. (20 Marks)


Assess the impact of Christianity on tribal communities, emphasizing its effects in North-East India. Briefly explore the cultural and social changes stemming from the introduction of Christianity. (15 Marks)


Compare the influence of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam on tribal communities, with a focus on their religious practices, social structures, and cultural adaptation. (20 Marks)


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Topic 1: The concept of ethnicity; Ethnic conflicts and political developments; Unrest among tribal communities; Regionalism and demand for autonomy; Pseudo-tribalism; Social change among the tribes during colonial and post-Independent India.


Explain the concept of “pseudo-tribalism” and its implications for ethnic identity among indigenous communities. Give examples to illustrate your points. (15 Marks)


Analyze the factors contributing to ethnic conflicts and unrest among tribal communities in India. How has the political landscape shaped these conflicts, and what implications do they hold for national unity? (20 Marks)


Assess the role of regionalism and demands for autonomy in the context of ethnic and political movements among tribal communities. Give case studies that highlight the impact of these movements on governance and policies. (20 Marks)


Discuss the impact of social change on tribal communities during the colonial era in India. How did colonial policies influence tribal identity and socio-economic structures? (20 Marks)

Topic 2: Tribe and nation state—a comparative study of tribal communities in India and other countries.


Discuss the contributions of anthropology in understanding tribal communities in the context of nation-states. How can these insights inform policies that promote tribal welfare and safeguard their unique identities? (20 Marks)


Critically analyze the role of anthropology in enhancing cross-country understanding of tribal communities and nation-state relations. Discuss the benefits and limitations of comparative studies in this context. (15 Marks)


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Contributions of anthropology to the understanding of regionalism, communalism, and ethnic and political movements.


Anthropological understanding of communalism ( 10 Marks )


Describe the role of anthropology in analyzing and addressing issues related to communalism and ethnic conflicts in India. Give examples that demonstrate the discipline’s contributions to conflict resolution and peace-building. (20 Marks)


Analyze the relationship between regionalism and ethnic or political movements, citing instances from India’s contemporary political landscape. How has anthropology assisted in understanding and managing these movements? (20 Marks)


Assess the challenges of addressing regionalism, communalism, and ethnic conflicts through an anthropological lens. Discuss the limitations and opportunities faced by anthropologists in contributing to peace and cohesion. (20 Marks)


Revivalistic Movements. (10 Marks)



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 Role of anthropology in tribal and rural development.


“Anthropological research can serve as a bridge between policy makers and indigenous communities.” Examine this statement with relevant examples. (20 Marks)


Explore the ethical challenges that anthropologists may encounter while conducting fieldwork in rural areas. Illustrate these challenges with real-world scenarios and discuss how anthropologists should navigate them. (20 MARKS)


Assess the effectiveness of anthropological techniques in preserving traditional ecological knowledge and promoting sustainable practices in rural development. (20 Marks)


Examine the strengths and weaknesses of Anthropology in tribal development. (15 marks)


Applied Anthropology can help in solving Tribal problems and Tribal administration. Discuss. (15 marks)


Anthropologists are better equipped to play an effective role in rural and tribal development. Discuss. (20M, PYQ)


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Contributions of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th Century scholar-administrators.


Highlight the key contributions of Indian scholars in shaping Anthropology’s growth in early 20th-century India. Evaluate the enduring impact of their work on the discipline’s development. (20 Marks)


Examine the contributions of H. D. Sankalia to prehistoric anthropology in India, emphasizing the impact of his work on the understanding and development of the discipline. (20 Marks)


Discuss the contributions of James Prinsep and William Crooke during the 19th century in the field of anthropology in India. How did they influence the early development of the discipline? (20 Marks)


 Evaluate the contribution of American anthropologists to Indian anthropology. (20 Marks – PYQ)


Examine the contributions of Sir William Jones in promoting the study of ancient Indian languages and cultures. How did his work lay the foundation for the development of Indian anthropology? (20 Marks)


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Contributions of the 18th Century Scholar-Administrators to Tribal and Caste Studies


Examine the pioneering work of G. S. Ghurye in the study of caste and tribal societies in India. How did his contributions influence the development of anthropology and understanding of these social structures? (20 Marks)


Evaluate the impact of Irawati Karve’s research on caste systems in India. (20 Marks)


Discuss the contributions of M. N. Srinivas to the field of Indian anthropology with a focus on his studies of dominant and non-dominant castes. How did his work shape contemporary anthropological discourse in India? (20 Marks)


Examine the contributions of S. C. Dube in the field of tribal studies. Discuss his major research findings and their significance in understanding tribal societies in India. (20 Marks)


Assess the significance of N. K. Bose’s research on the Gonds and their cultural practices. How did his work contribute to the study of tribal societies in central India? (20 Marks)


Examine the contributions of K. S. Singh to the study of tribal communities and caste groups. How did his ethnographic research on the Baigas and the Rajputs contribute to the broader field of anthropology in India? (15 Marks)