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Question: Write in 150 Words
The Mughal School of Painting is considered to be a landmark in the history of painting in India. Elucidate.
- Briefly explain the genesis of Mughal School of painting and its characteristics.
- Discuss how Mughal School enriched the art of painting in India.
- Cite some works of Mughal School of Paintings.
Question: Write in 250 Words
The evolution of temple-building in India can be attributed to factors such as changing form of worship, improvement in the skills of the craftsmen and the increase in funding provided by kings and rich merchants. Examine.
- First, write about the practices of worship during Indus Valley civilization, Vedic period and later times and its final culmination to the temple
- In the second connect the improvement of the skills of the craftsmen with the improvisation of temple architecture.
- In the last part, give the information about the patronage provided for the temple
Question: Write in 250 Words
Do you agree that Caste System, though predominantly associated with Hindu society, is present in various forms across many other religious communities in India? Substantiate with examples.
Question: Write in 150 Words
Indian Philosophy and tradition played a significant role in conceiving and shaping the monuments and their art in India. Discuss. (PYQ)
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Question: Write in 150 Words
How did European techniques and individual efforts in the 18th and 19th centuries harmonize with the Indian painting tradition and give rise to a new form?
▪️In the introduction, briefly talk about Indian paintings and European influence on it
▪️Mention the European techniques incorporated into Indian painting style and efforts of individuals in this regard
▪️Explain how it gave rise to a new style. Give examples
▪️Conclude appropriately
Question: Write in 250 Words
There is a glorious tradition of Sufism spread over centuries with unparalleled continuity. Elaborate this statement and also highlight the main features of Sufism. Analyze the challenges faced in contemporary times to preserve the characteristics of Sufi music.
▪️Briefly write about Sufism in introduction.
▪️Discuss the features of Sufism and give examples of how there has been a continuation of Sufism.
▪️Finally discuss the challenges faced to preserve Sufi Music in contemporary times
Question: Write in 250 Words
Mention the salient features of theist and athiest traditions of ancient Indian philosophical systems.
- Start the answer with a brief discussion on ancient Indian philosophical systems.
- Name some theist traditions and give their salient features
- Name some atheist traditions and give their salient features
- No need to explain all traditions in detail.
Question: Write in 150 Words
Persian literary sources of medieval India reflect the spirit of the age. Comment. (PYQ)
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Question: Write in 250 Words
Discuss how did the spread of new agriculture economy led to the rise of Jainism and Buddhism? Highlight the other social economic factors which are responsible for the spread of these religions? Also enlist the reasons for the eventual decline.
◾️Explain how the spread of agriculture led to the rise of Jainism and Buddhism.
◾️State other factors which attributed to the rise of these two religions.
◾️Explain the causes for their eventual decline.
Question: Write in 250 Words
India has been at the center of global cross-currents of cultures and influences for long. Discuss how foreign cultures has influenced Indian culture and vice versa.
◾️Introduce by mentioning India as the center of cultural flows across periods of history, along with the factors that facilitated this flow such as trade, invasion etc.
◾️In body, discuss how foreign cultures has influenced Indian culture and it has influenced them.
◾️Conclude by mentioning continuity of cultural flows from historical to modern times
Question: Write in 150 Words
Crafts and artefacts found in the Indian valley civilisation shows the artistic skills of the people of bronze age. Discuss
◾️Introduction : Briefly explain about IVC and its crafts and artefacts
– Crafts found in IVC
– Artefacts found in IVC
– Skills of the bronze age people
◾️Conclusion : Conclude by mentioning skills of IVC people and their progress in the artistic field.
Question: Write in 150 Words
The Rashtrakutas and Chalukyas have left a deep impact on cultural history. Discuss with examples.
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Question: Write in 150 Words
Dayanand Saraswati and Raja Ram Mohan Roy had focussed on modernization instead of blind imitation of the western cultural values. Highlight their contributions towards the social reform movements of 19th century. And discuss how they brought changes into the Indian society.
◾️A brief Introduction of socio-religious reforms.
◾️Mention the contributions of Ram Mohan Roy
◾️Mention the contributions of Dayanand Saraswati and revivalist tendencies.
◾️Elaborate what changes did their efforts bring in the Indian society.
Question: Write in 250 Words
The historical evidence on the ‘Tiger of Mysore’ Tipu Sultan can be read as competing narratives ranging between visionary to freedom fighter to bigot. Discuss critically relevance and significance of such narratives today.
Approach :
◾️Introduction : Bring in the contradiction in the narrative of Tipu
◾️Body : The answer can be written in two section. First has to deal with the narrative of Tipu being visionary leader and freedom fighter. And the second part should bring in the narrative of Tipu being the bigot while bringing in the secular portrayal of Tipu. Each part has to be substantiated with the relevance and significance in today’s world.
◾️Conclusion : it has to be in positive line highlighting the first narrative of TipU.
Question: Write in 250 Words
Examine the major factors shaping the British land revenue policy in India. What was the impact of it on village communities especially in northern India during late 18th and 19th century?
· Introduce British Land Revenue Policy.
· Analyse the major factor behind three main land tenures: Permanent Settlement, Mahalwari and Ryotwari.
· Write about the impact on village communities, economy and peasants especially in north India during late 18th and 19th century.
Question: Write in 150 Words
Examine the linkages between the nineteenth century’s ‘Indian Renaissance’ and the emergence of national identity. (PYQ)
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Question: Write in 150 Words
The post 1857 colonial administration adopted reactionary policies on the pretext that Indians were not fit for self-governance. Examine.
- ️Introduction: British learned how an organized mass action could pose a serious threat to the existence of British rule in India
- ️Discuss the various changes that were made from earlier times by analyzing the specific reasons for each change
- ️Conclude how these changes helped in consolidating colonial rule in India
Question: Write in 250 Words
The economic policies followed by the British led to the rapid transformation of India’s economy into a colonial economy whose nature and structure were determined by the needs of the British economy. Discuss.
- ️Describe the features of colonial economy in India.
- ️Analyze the economic policies of the British in three phases.
Question: Write in 150 Words
To what extent is Indian culture resilient to westernisation and globalisation?
- Introduction: Briefly define westernisation and globalisation.
- Body: Write the positive and negative impacts of the westernisation and globalisation. Subsequently, measure the extent of the resilience of the Indian Culture.
- Conclusion: Write a conclusion with a mix of the way forward.
Question: Write in 250 Words
The women’s questions arose in modern India as a part of the 19th century social reform movement. What were the major issues and debates concerning women in that period? (PYQ)
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Question: Write in 150 Words
While before 1920 peasant revolts emerged from the peasants themselves but after 1920 peasant revolts tended to come under the guidance of regional, national or urban-based political movement. Discuss.
▪️Introduction : Briefly tell about the nature of Peasant Revolts and Reasons behind them that took place before and after 1920.
▪️Body :
- Tell about the nature of Peasant Revolts that took place before 1920 and provide some examples with brief description about them.
- Mention the reasons for change of nature of Peasant Revolts after 1920s and how they gained more prominence and became a part of the National Movement.
- Discuss the reasons behind such change of nature of peasant Revolts and how it aligned with the Overall National Movement.
▪️Conclusion : Conclude on the lines that how the changed Peasant Movements Contributed to the National Movement under the Regional, National Guidance
Question: Write in 250 Words
The struggle for gender equality has taken birth and grown in pre-independence era as men led movement, but matured in 21st century with women leading their own battle. Comment
▪️Introduction: Introduce the answer with general view of women’s movements tracing their journey through this time period.
▪️Body: The question carries Two Parts:
- Part 1 should contain points explaining how the struggle for gender equality has taken birth and grown in Pre-independence era as men led the Movement.
- Part 2 should contain points explaining how the struggle matured in 21st Century with Women leading their own battle.
▪️Conclusion: Provide a very brief conclusion by highlighting the action taken by the government in response to the movements led by Women.
Question: Write in 250 Words
Gandhi’s concept of femininity and women empowerment was built on the extraction and improvement of ethically derived social ideas. Comment. Also check how Gandhi’s idea of femininity is completely opposite to the idea of femininity advocated by the socio-religious reformers of the 19th century.
Approach :
▪️Introduction: Give brief intro about the Gandhi’s perception on the womanhood and women empowerment.
▪️Body: The Question carries two parts:
Part 1: Explain the Gandhi’s idea of womanhood and women empowerment and how it is related to the existing social idea and moral terms.
Part 2: Explain how this perspective different from the the socio-religious reforms of 19th century.
▪️Conclusion: Conclude by stating how the Gandhi’s perspective was forerunner in women liberation.
Question: Write in 250 Words
How different would have been the achievement of Indian independence without Mahatma Gandhi? Discuss. (PYQ)
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Question: Write in 150 Words
The period between 1858 and 1919 was that of ” bureaucratic despotism”, while the gradual democratisation of the polity between 1919 to 1947 curtailed will and discretion of the civil servants. Analyse.
Approach :
◾️Introduction : Define what bureaucratic despotism is and how it helped the British to establish the control over India
◾️Body :
- The reasons can be explained for the despotic nature of bureaucracy.
- Then explain how the democratisation brought after 1919 curtailed the will and discretion of civil servants.
Question: Write in 250 Words
The socio-religious reform movements of 19th and 20th century in British India not only attempted to free Indian society from various social evils but also prepared the ground for Indian freedom struggle. Analyse.
- In the introduction, contextualize the rise of socio-religious reform movements in the backdrop of colonial rule and awakening of Indians to the social ills prevailing at the times.
- Identify the various issues that the reform movements had to address as well as the key factors involved.
- After establishing the first part, move on to examining or establishing how these movements helped to prepare for the freedom struggle.
Question: Write in 250 Words
The outbreak of World War II in 1939 divided the nationalists over the next course of action in the freedom struggle. Elaborate. In this context, also examine the factors that led to INC launching the Quit India Movement.
- Write about both the areas of debate of the Nationalists post beginning of WWII.
- One cannot simply give the reasons why the INC launched the Quit India Movement. These reasons have to be related to the context of the decisions taken by the INC post 1939 in respect to the actions of the British. Building the context is important.
Question: Write in 150 Words
Examine how the decline of traditional artisanal industry in colonial India crippled the rural economy. (PYQ)
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Question: Write in 250 Words
Struggle for India’s independence was not restricted to the only domestic arena. Indian diaspora spread all over the world participated in it. Identify the major contribution of the diaspora in liberating India from the colonial yoke.
◾️Introduction – Talk briefly about the struggle for independence
◾️Body – Discuss contribution from Indian diaspora in India’s freedom covering Europe, America and Asia
◾️Conclusion – Conclude with a comment on the overall nature of the anti-colonial struggle.
Question: Write in 250 Words
Operation flood gave credence to Gandhian ideas of production by masses and village swaraj, with far reaching impact for post independent India. Discuss the statement and highlight various reasons for success of operation flood.
◾️Introduce with brief history of operation flood.
◾️In body explain how it fulfilled Gandhian ideas of production by masses and village swaraj.
◾️List reasons for success of operation flood.
◾️Conclude with role of operation flood in reducing poverty.
Question: Write in 150 Words
Throw light on the basic differences between Tagore and Gandhi on various issues of national importance during the freedom movement.
Question: Write in 150 Words
Discuss the contribution of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to pre-and post-independent India. (PYQ)
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Question: Write in 250 Words
Discuss the circumstances that led to the launch of Sampoorna Kranti (Total Revolution) in 1974.To what extent this movement was successful in achieving its objectives.
- Briefly define what was Sampoorna Kranti or Total Revolution.
- Discuss the circumstances which led to Total Revolution.
- Give your opinion on the extent of success or failure of the movement.
- Conclude your answer.
Question: Write in 150 Words
Though India was facing several difficult problems, it has been argued that Lal Bahadur Shastri’s government did not deal with them in a decisive manner and followed a policy of drift instead. Critically discuss.
- First write about the problems the country was facing during the Shastri’s regime and how he could not dealt with them in a decisive manner.
- Since, the question demands critical discussion you should also write about the other side as well.
- Provide a balanced conclusion.
Question: Write in 250 Words
How did the Indian industrialists contribute to the freedom struggle? Did the emergence of the socialistic trend during the later period of the struggle deter them from supporting the freedom struggle? Analyze.
- Highlight the contribution of the Indian industrialists in the Indian struggle for freedom.
- Explain their relationship with the Congress and their contribution to the party.
- Show how they balanced their commercial interests while supporting the national freedom movement.
- Evaluate their stand during the freedom struggle movement when socialistic trend emerged.
Question: Write in 250 Words
Analyse the circumstances that led to Tashkent Agreement in 1966. Discuss the highlights of the agreement. (PYQ)
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Question: Write in 150 Words
Even after a hundred years of its proclamation the effects of Balfour Declaration continue to resonate in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Comment.
- In the introduction briefly explain the Balfour Declaration.
- Explain the context surrounding the declaration and its cosequences.
- Highlight the relevance of the Declaration in present context.
Question: Write in 250 Words
The events that led to the American Revolution had causes rooted in the social, economic, political and ideological context of that time. Elaborate. Also, bring out the influence that the American Revolution had on the French Revolution.
- Describe the social, economic, political and ideological reasons behind events of the American Revolution.
- Explain how the American Revolution subsequently influenced the French Revolution.
Question: Write in 150 Words
Literary accounts of foreign travellers are useful in arriving at an understanding of the socio-cultural life of Indian History. Elucidate.
- Write the contribution of foreign travelers account.
- Explain the traveler’s accounts from different phases of Indian history.
- Conclude by writing the significance of such accounts.
Question: Write in 150 Words
The anti-colonial struggles in West Africa were led by the new elite of Western educated Africans. Examine. (PYQ)