
  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Explore the relationship between sociology and common sense. How do sociologists distinguish their approach from common sense understanding of social phenomena? Provide examples to illustrate the differences and similarities between sociology and common sense. (20 Marks)


Discuss the historical development of sociology as a discipline in the context of modernity and the social changes that occurred in Europe. How did modernity contribute to the emergence and growth of sociology as a distinct field of study? (10 Marks)


Explain the scope of sociology as a subject and compare it with other social sciences. How does sociology differ from disciplines like anthropology, psychology, and political science, and what unique perspectives does it offer? (20 Marks)


Write a short note on the following: (should not exceed 150 words)
A) Examine the relationship between Sociology and Economics


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 



Compare and contrast positivism and non-positivist methodologies in Sociology. How do these approaches differ in terms of epistemology, research design, and the role of values in the research process? (20 Marks)


Explain the concept of fact-value distinction in sociological research. How do sociologists navigate the ethical considerations and value judgments while conducting empirical studies? (15 Marks)


Not only The Enlightenment but also the French revolution and Industrial revolution contributed to the ‘Emergence of Sociology’. Discuss. (20 Marks)


Write a short note on: Methods of scientific Investigation. (10 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 



Critically analyze the concept of positivism in sociology. Discuss its historical development, key principles, and the criticisms it has faced from various sociological perspectives. (20 Marks)


Is sociology a science? What are the limitations of using scientific methods in sociological research? (20 Marks)


Discuss the main features of non-positivist methodologies, such as phenomenology, symbolic interactionism, and ethnomethodology. How do these approaches contribute to a deeper understanding of human behavior and social interactions? (20 Marks)


Critically evaluate the impact of positivism on the development of sociology as a scientific discipline. Discuss how the positivist approach has shaped the research agenda, methods, and theories in sociology over the years. (15 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Critically evaluate the role of reliability and validity in sociological research. How do researchers ensure the reliability and validity of their findings? Provide practical examples to illustrate your points. (20 Marks)


Explain the concept of “variables” in sociological research. Discuss the different types of variables and their significance in quantitative data analysis. (15 Marks)


Compare and contrast between probability and non-probability sampling methods. Provide examples of situations where each of these sampling techniques would be most appropriate in sociological research. (15 Marks)


Explain the process of qualitative data collection, and discuss its advantages and limitations in the context of studying the social dynamics of a rural community. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions out of 4. (as per your course plan)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions asked. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Discuss the role of operationalization in quantitative research. How does it help in measuring abstract sociological concepts? (15 Marks)


How do researchers establish the validity of their findings in sociological research? Provide examples of strategies used to enhance the validity of research outcomes. (20 Marks)


Discuss the concept of “hypothesis” in sociological research. How does formulating clear hypotheses contribute to the research process? (15 Marks)


Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research methods, highlighting their respective strengths and weaknesses in sociological studies. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


According to Marx, how are human beings alienated from their human potential? Relate this theory to current Indian Society. Why has the theory of alienation been criticised? (20 Marks)

 Introduction – Define alienation. And introduce Marx.
 Body – Explain the different types of alienation given by Marx. Focus on alienation from human potential. Give different examples from Indian Society. Give 3-4 criticism.
 Conclusion – Conclude by giving examples of how this theory is useful or compare it to anomie by Durkheim.


Emile Durkheim had argued that the function of division of labour in society is that of the promotion of social solidarity. Elaborate the statement. Also analyse the distinction between two forms of solidarity discussed by Durkheim with examples. (20 Marks)

Introduction – Define Durkheim’s theory of DoL. Define social solidarity.
o Body – Explain the statement by showing how DoL promotes social solidarity. Differentiate between two types of solidarity given by Durkheim. Support your arguments with examples. Give 2-3 short criticisms.
o Conclusion – Conclude by stating how useful this theory is for the development of sociology.


What are the characteristics of Durkheim’s social facts? (10 Marks)

 Introduction – Define the social facts.
 Body – Explain the characteristics of social facts.
 Conclusion – Write 1-2 short criticism.


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


How has the protestant ethics contributed to the development of capitalism according to Max Weber? Why is this theory being criticized? (20 Marks)


  • Introduction – Define the protestant ethics and spirit of capitalism.
  • Body – Explain Weber’s views on how the spirit of capitalism is present in Calvinism and its impact in the growth of capitalism in Western society. Write a few criticisms of the same theory.
  • Conclusion – Conclude by stating how it helped in convergence of economics with sociology.


Explain with relevant example Parson’s AGIL system as a functional pre-requisite to analyze the problems in society? (20 Marks)


  • Introduction – Define Parson’s AGIL.
  • Body – Explain with example how AGIL can be used for the analysing problems in society and maintaining social equilibrium.
  • Conclusion – In pre-conclusion write 2-3 short criticism. And conclude by writing how structural functionalists helped in the development of sociology.


How does Robert Merton differentiate between manifest and latent function? Substantiate with relevant example from Indian Society. (10 Mark)


  • Introduction – Define Manifest and Latent functions of Robert Merton.
  • Body – Explain the same by giving relevant example.
  • Conclusion – Conclude by explaining in short Middle range theory.



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Compare and contrast Karl Marx’s concept of “mode of production” with Max Weber’s theory of “protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism.” How do these theories explain the development of economic systems and their impact on society? (20 Marks)


Examine Emile Durkheim’s study on “suicide” and its significance in understanding the relationship between social factors and individual behavior. How does Durkheim’s typology of suicide contribute to sociological research? (20 Marks)


Discuss Robert K. Merton’s theory of “latent and manifest functions” in sociological analysis. How does this concept help in understanding the intended and unintended consequences of social actions? (20 Marks)

Write short notes on any of the following: (Should not exceed 150 words)


Talcolt Parsons’ theory of “pattern variables” and its relevance in understanding social actions and decision-making. (10 Marks)


George Herbert Mead’s concept of “self” and “identity” and its significance in the formation of individual personality. (10 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Explain the concept of social mobility in the context of open and closed systems. Give examples to illustrate how social mobility operates in both types of systems. (20 Marks)


Critically examine the structural-functional, Marxist, and Weberian theories of social stratification. How do these theories offer distinct perspectives on the nature and dynamics of stratification in society? (20 Marks)


Analyze the role of gender and ethnicity in shaping social stratification. How do these dimensions interact with class and status to create a complex stratification system? (20 Marks)


Discuss the relationship between poverty and social exclusion. How does social exclusion contribute to the perpetuation of poverty, and what measures can be taken to address this issue? (15 Marks)


Evaluate the concept of equality in the context of social stratification. How can different forms of inequality, such as economic, social, and political, be addressed to achieve greater equality in society? (15 Marks)


Explain the concept of relative deprivation and its relevance in the context of social stratification. How does relative deprivation influence individual behavior and collective action for social change? (15 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


“The variation in the concept of poverty reveals its dimensionality. However, when closely examined, these dimensions are seen to be conceptually interrelated and complementary rather than substitutable.” Elaborate. (20 Marks)


Clarify on the view “Social Stratification is functional and inevitable”. How was this view countered? (20 Marks)


Compare and contrast the dimensions of social stratification, focusing on class, status groups, gender, ethnicity, and race. How do these dimensions intersect and create different forms of inequality in society? (20 Marks)


Explain the concept of caste system and its influence on social stratification in India. How does caste interact with other dimensions of stratification, such as class and gender, to shape social inequalities? (15 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Explain the concept of the informal organization of work. How does the informal sector contribute to the economy, and what are the challenges faced by workers in this sector? Give examples to illustrate the significance of informal work in different societies. (15 Marks)


Compare and contrast the social organization of work in slave societies and industrial capitalist societies. Analyze how these different systems of work impact the status and well-being of workers, and discuss the role of labor movements in challenging exploitative practices.  (15 Marks)


Analyze the significance of labor unions in modern industrial societies. Discuss their role in protecting workers’ rights, negotiating better wages and working conditions, and promoting social solidarity in the face of economic challenges. (20 Marks)


Explain the concept of labor market dualism. How does labor market dualism create disparities in employment conditions and job security? Discuss the policy measures that can help bridge the gap between formal and informal sectors. (15 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Discuss the impact of gender on the social organization of work. How does gender-based segregation in the workforce influence occupational choices and wage differentials? Analyze the role of patriarchy in shaping labor market outcomes. (20 Marks)


Analyze the impact of globalization on labor markets and work conditions in both developed and developing countries. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of global integration on workers’ rights and social justice. (15 Marks)


Discuss the relationship between globalization and informal labor markets. How does globalization impact the growth of informal employment, and what are the implications for workers in the informal sector? (15 Marks)


Discuss the influence of social stratification on labor and employment opportunities. How does social class, caste, and race affect access to education, training, and job opportunities? Analyze the implications of such stratification for income inequality and social cohesion. (20 Marks)


Differentiate between social organization of work in different societies – Slave, Feudal and Industrial or capitalist. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 



What are the main characteristics of modern bureaucracy according to Max Weber? Why did he say that Bureaucracy will be trapped in ‘Iron cage of rationality’? (10 Marks)


Illustrate with suitable examples on the various political ideologies which have influenced the regimes of the world. (10 marks)


Explain Max Weber’s view on ‘Power is a zero-sum game’. How did Parson’s views differ? (20 Marks)


Discuss the concept of circulation of elites. Also write short notes on C. W. Mills’s views on Power elite. What are the major criticisms related to Power elite theory? (20 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Fundamentalism emerged in the reaction of Secularization.” Comment. (20 Marks)


Examine how civil society and democracy reinforce each other. (PYQ, 15 Marks)


Write a short note on:

Dysfunctions of Bureaucracy. (150 words; 10 Marks


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Compare and contrast the functionalist and conflict perspectives on religion, highlighting their differing views on the role of religion in society. (15 Marks)


Examine the rise of cults and new religious movements in contemporary society. What factors contribute to their popularity, and how do they impact established religious institutions? (15 Marks)


Examine the concept of religious secularism and its effects on society. How does the separation of religion and state influence individual freedoms and social cohesion? (15 Marks)


Compare and contrast the concepts of religious pluralism and religious syncretism. How do these concepts influence cultural diversity and social integration in a multicultural society? (20 Marks)


Analyze the phenomenon of religious syncretism in the context of cultural globalization. How do people adapt and reinterpret religious practices in a changing global landscape? (15 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Compare and contrast the views of Émile Durkheim and Max Weber on the role of religion in maintaining social solidarity. How do their perspectives reflect different aspects of society? (20 Marks)


 Assess the impact of religious revivalism on gender roles and women’s rights in contemporary societies. How do religious movements influence notions of gender equality and social progress? (20 Marks)


Evaluate the role of religion as a form of social control in modern societies. How does religion contribute to maintaining social cohesion and order? Give real-world examples to support your arguments. (15 Marks)


Examine the concept of sects and cults in society, highlighting their distinguishing features and the factors that contribute to their emergence. Give examples to illustrate your points. (20 Marks)


Critically analyze the phenomenon of religious fundamentalism in the context of globalization. How do fundamentalist movements challenge the ideals of modernity and secularism? (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


What are the major impacts of live-in relationships on female gender in society? In this context write how the Gender roles are changing in the structure of family. (20 marks)


Distinguish between family and household from a sociological perspective. (10 Marks)


Discuss the functionalist, Marxist and Feminist perspectives on the institution of family. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


What are the major differences between different regional Kinship systems in India? (20 Marks)


Write a note on emerging trends in marriage and family in contemporary India. (20 Marks)


Write a short note on Lineage and descent. (10 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


How has W. W. Rostow explained the Modernisation theory of development? Also write Note on world system theory. (20 Marks)


Explain Parson’s structural functional theory of social change and Sorokin’s cyclical theory of social change. (20 marks)


Discuss the theory of cultural lag by Ogburn with its relevance in contemporary times. (10 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Discuss the theory of cultural lag by Ogburn with its relevance in contemporary times. (10 Marks)


Explain Parson’s structural functional theory of social change and Sorokin’s cyclical theory of social change. (20 marks)


How has W. W. Rostow explained the Modernisation theory of development? Also write Note on world system theory. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


 Explain the concept of “sociology and common sense.” Give examples to illustrate how sociological perspectives often differ from common sense explanations of social phenomena. (15 Marks)


Non-positivist methodologies are an essential part of sociological research. Discuss the principles of symbolic interactionism as a non-positivist approach. Give examples to demonstrate how this approach can be applied in sociological research. (15 Marks)


 In sociological research, the choice between qualitative and quantitative methods is crucial. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative methods, emphasizing their applicability in studying complex social phenomena. (20 Marks)


Talcott Parsons’ concept of “latent and manifest functions” is central to his structural functionalist theory. Explain these functions and give examples to illustrate how they operate in various social institutions or systems. (20 Marks)


Culture has the ability to control not only Social systems but also guide Action systems in Parsonian sociological thought for which Parsons calls himself a ‘Cultural Determinist’. Critically comment on the importance given to culture in Parsons Social Systems theory. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


Discuss the concept of “equality” in the context of social stratification. How do structural functionalist, Marxist, and Weberian theories perceive and explain equality in society? (15 Marks)


“Participants observation is the most effective tool for collecting facts”. Comment. (20M, PYQ)


Compare and contrast the major sociological theories of religion, such as functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. How do these theories explain the role of religion in shaping social life? (15 Marks)


Discuss the concepts of “nation,” “state,” and “citizenship” from a sociological perspective. How do these concepts shape political structures and individual identity in contemporary society? (15 Marks)


 Elaborate on the major theoretical strands of research methodology in sociology. Compare and contrast positivist and interpretive approaches, highlighting their respective characteristics and uses in sociological research. (15 Marks


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


What are the main characteristics of modern bureaucracy according to Max Weber? Why did he say that Bureaucracy will be trapped in ‘Iron cage of rationality’? (10 Marks)


How does G. H. Mead explain the importance of I and Me in the development of self? (10 marks)


Gender inequality exists in contemporary Western society. Substantiate your answer with sociological perspectives.(20 Marks)


Examine how and why the study of social order and stability has been an integral part of sociology. (10 Marks)


According to Max weber, ‘class’ and ‘status’ are two different dimensions of power.” Discuss. (15M, PYQ)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, Word Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it. 


According to Marx, capitalism transforms even the personal relationship between men and women. Critically examine with illustrations from the contemporary Indian context. (10 Marks)


How well do you think Tonnis, Durkheim, Weber and Max predicted the character of modern society? Critique. (10 marks)


How does Weber use the notion of ‘ideal types’ in his theory of bureaucracy? (20 Marks)


Describe the functional prerequisites of social system as given by Talcott Parsons. Examine in the context of a university as a social system. (20 Marks)





  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.


What are the salient features of G. S. Ghurye’s Indological perspective of understanding Indian society? (10 Marks)


  • Introduction – Introduce the G. S. Ghurye’s Indological Approach to study Indian Society.
  • Body – Explain features Ghurye’s Indological Approach with some examples of his study.
  • Conclusion – Conclude by stating how Ghurye’s contributed to the growth of sociology in India.


Write a note on Structural functional Perspective used by M.N. Srinivas in the understanding of Indian society. Also write its critique. (20 Marks)


  • Introduction – Define Structural functional Perspective of M. N. Srinivas.
  • Body – Explain Srinivas’s structural functional approach to study Indian society. Then in the second part of your answer write critiques of this approach.
  • Conclusion – Conclude by writing contribution of Srinivas’s field study in the development of sociology in India.


How have Indian Marxist sociologists tried to understand Indian society? Write your answer in special reference to A R Desai. What deficiencies do they face in their perspective? (20 Marks)


  • Introduction – Introduce the Marxist perspective in general or its approach to study Indian society.
  • Body – Write the main features of Marxist approach with explanation and its application to Indian society with special arguments from A R Desai. In the second part write the lacunae in applying Marxist approach to Indian society in Particular.
  • Conclusion – Conclude by writing how Marxist approach gave a different perspective to look into conflict present in Indian society.


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Analyse the impact of various social factors in the growth of nationalism during colonial India. (10 Marks)


  • Introduction – Write down the meaning of nationalism in the simplest words.
  • Body – Enlist and explain in short, the various social factors that led to the growth of Indian national movement during the freedom struggle.
  • Conclusion – Conclude by stating how the growth of nationalism led to unify India.


Discuss Yogendra Singh’s views on Modernisation of Indian Tradition with special reference to contemporary India. (20 Marks)


  • Introduction – Introduce the meaning of modernisation or introduce the approach of Yogendra Singh to study Modernisation of Indian Tradition.
  • Body – Explain features of Yogendra Singh’s thesis on modernisation of Indian tradition with orthogenic, heterogenic changes and micro and macro-structural changes.
  • Conclusion – Conclude by bringing some of the other perspectives on Modernisation of Indian tradition.  


Explain the contribution of the social reform movement in colonial India to the modernization of Indian society. (20 Marks)


  • Introduction – Introduce some of the social reform movement or social conditions present during the colonial period which prompted the various social reform movements.
  • Body – Write your answer in three parts.
    1. In first part explain how the social reform movements contributed to the improvement in caste status or bringing equality
    2. In the second part explain how it impacted in elevating the condition of women in society.
    3. In the third part explain how it contributed to bringing modern values in Indian society including modern technology.   
    4. Conclusion – Conclude by summarizing your answer.


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  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Discuss the steps taken by the government for land reforms in post-independence India. (10 Marks)


  • Introduction – Introduce the colonial land tenure system and its social impact.
  • Body – Enlist and explain various legislations and steps taken by the government for land reforms in post-independent India.
  • Conclusion – Conclude by writing how the land reforms is still an ongoing process and an unfinished agenda of social change in Indian society.


How did the colonial look at the Indian villages? In what way Indian sociologists countered colonial views? (20 Marks)


  • Introduction – Introduce colonial view to look into the Indian society in general and Indian villages in particular.
  • Body – In the first part of your answer write with a few names colonial view of Indian villages. In the second part write how the realistic view was given by various Indian sociologists through their book and field view.
  • Conclusion – You can conclude by stating how villages have experienced changes over time.


Write a detailed note on village studies in India. (20 Marks)


  • Introduction – Introduce how the Indian sociology was started with debate on different perspectives on Indian villages.
  • Body – Explain various village studies with relevant thinkers.
  • Conclusion – You can conclude by writing how village studies have taken a new life in contemporary India.


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per the enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Analyze the various forms of untouchability in India and the sociological perspectives that have examined this practice. Discuss the challenges in eradicating untouchability. (20 Marks)


Discuss M.N. Srinivas’ concept of “Sanskritization” and its relevance in understanding social mobility and change in Indian society. Give examples to illustrate this concept. (15 Marks)


Louis Dumont’s “Homo Hierarchicus” presents a distinctive perspective on caste. Explain Dumont’s theory of purity and pollution and its implications for the caste system. (15 Marks)


Discuss the key features of the caste system in India, as outlined by M.N. Srinivas. Give examples to illustrate each feature and explain their significance in understanding the caste structure. (20 Marks)


Explain G.S. Ghurye’s contribution to the study of caste systems. How did his perspective differ from other sociologists of his time, and what are the key concepts associated with his approach? (20 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per the enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Analyze the impact of Verrier Elwin’s advocacy for tribal rights during the colonial era. How did Elwin’s efforts influence colonial policies and post-independence initiatives aimed at tribal development and welfare? (20 Marks)


Discuss the changing criteria used to identify tribal communities in India. How has this affected the inclusion or exclusion of certain groups as “tribal,” and what are the consequences of these shifts? (15 Marks)


Discuss the challenges and opportunities for tribal development in remote and hilly regions of India. How can geographical constraints be addressed to improve the well-being of tribal populations? (20 Marks)


What is ethno-nationalism? Examine the critical factors responsible for tribal discontent in India. (20 Marks, PYQ)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per the enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Critically analyze the role of the colonial administration in the exploitation of tribal resources. How did colonial policies contribute to the dispossession and marginalization of tribal communities? (15 Marks)


Examine the role of PESA (Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996, in granting autonomy to tribal regions. How has this legislation empowered tribal communities in decision-making processes? (15 Marks)


Discuss the challenges of integrating tribal communities into the mainstream while respecting their cultural autonomy. How can policies strike a balance between integration and autonomy? (15 Marks)


Critically analyze the role of the colonial administration in the exploitation of tribal resources. How did colonial policies contribute to the dispossession and marginalization of tribal communities? (15 Marks)


Critically examine G.S. Ghurye’s perspective on tribes in India. (15 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per the enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Discuss the role of land reforms in reshaping the agrarian class structure in India. How have land redistribution policies impacted land ownership patterns and rural development? (15 Marks)


Explain the role of caste in the agrarian class structure. How does caste affect landownership and labor relations in rural India? Give examples to illustrate your points. (15 Marks)


Analyze the influence of political factors on the agrarian class structure. How have changes in land tenure laws and political empowerment of marginalized groups affected the distribution of land and power in rural India? (20 Marks)


Discuss the role of trade unions in shaping the industrial class structure in India. How have labor movements and collective bargaining impacted workers’ rights and industrial relations in the country? (15 Marks)


Give an account of Ranajit Guha’s approach in studying ‘subaltern class’. (PYQ, 10 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per the enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Define the concept of the middle class in India. How has the middle class contributed to the socio-economic and political landscape of the country? (15 Marks)


Evaluate the impact of globalization on job opportunities and income disparities in the Indian industrial class structure. How has globalization influenced the mobility and livelihoods of industrial workers? (20 Marks)


Elaborate on factors leading to changes in agrarian social structure. (20 marks)


Describe the emergence of the service sector in India and its role in expanding the middle class. How has the service sector contributed to economic growth and social change in the country? (20 Marks)


Analyze the impact of economic reforms on income distribution and social stratification within the middle class. How have economic liberalization policies affected the socio-economic status of different segments of the middle class? (20 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per the enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Explain the concept of the “gotra” system in Indian kinship. How does the gotra influence marriage practices and social interactions within communities? Give examples to illustrate its significance. (15 Marks)


Analyze the contemporary challenges to the institution of marriage in India. How have changing expectations, economic pressures, and cultural shifts influenced the nature of marital relationships and family structures? (20 Marks)


Analyze the phenomenon of inter-caste and inter-religious marriages in India. What social and cultural challenges do couples face, and how have such marriages contributed to social cohesion or tensions? (20 Marks)


Compare and contrast the matrilineal and patrilineal kinship systems in India. How do these systems influence property inheritance, family dynamics, and gender roles within households? (15 Marks)


Examine the practice of “gotra” and “kuldevi” in kinship systems. How do these concepts impact marriage patterns and social relationships within specific communities in India? (15 Marks)



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  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Discuss the concept of “joint families” and their functions in Indian society. How have urbanization and the pursuit of individual aspirations affected the prevalence and dynamics of joint families? (15 Marks)


Elaborate on the debate between Jointness and Nuclear nature of families in India. (20 Marks)


How have changes in the economic landscape of India impacted traditional family structures? Analyze this transformation and its implications for family dynamics.


What has been the impact of globalization on the cultural aspect(s) of the family? Comment on the changes in the household dimensions of family
under modern economic reforms. (20 Marks)


Evaluate the impact of patriarchy on women’s entitlements and their participation in the labor force in India. How do gender norms and stereotypes perpetuate inequalities in the division of labor and access to resources? (15 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per the enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Explore the role of religious syncretism in Indian society. How have interactions between different religious communities contributed to cultural diversity and tolerance in the country? (15 Marks)


Explain the concept of secularism in the Indian context. How has secularism been interpreted and practiced in the country, and what role does it play in maintaining religious harmony? (20 Marks)


How has religious fundamentalism affected the social fabric of modern India, and what proactive measures can be taken to mitigate its influence and foster social cohesion? (20 Marks)


Analyze the impact of communal violence on religious minorities in India. How do such incidents affect social trust, inter-community relations, and the overall fabric of the nation? (20 Marks)


Examine the educational and healthcare disparities faced by religious minorities in India. How do these disparities contribute to socio-economic inequalities and hinder community development? (15 Marks)


Residential segregation based on religion, caste etc has long been observed in Indian society. What is its impact on society? Also, Examine its presence in contemporary Indian Cities. (20 Marks)


Examine the social and economic factors contributing to religious conversion among minority communities in India. How do issues related to identity, discrimination, and economic empowerment play a role in conversion trends? (20 Marks)



  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per the enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.

Question 1 )

Examine the challenges and opportunities presented by online education in the context of social change in India. How can digital learning bridge educational gaps and promote equitable access to knowledge? (20 Marks)


Analyze the role of the Indian Constitution in promoting social justice and inclusive growth. Give examples of constitutional provisions that have facilitated social change and addressed historical inequalities. (20 Marks)


Discuss with relevant examples the importance of constitution, law and education in bringing social change. (20 Marks)


Evaluate the impact of economic liberalization on India’s social structure. How has the shift towards a market-oriented economy influenced issues like income inequality and access to basic services? (20 Marks)


How Internet and telecommunication technology can help in empowerment of marginalised sections of Indian society? What are the consequences of the digital divide in contemporary India? (20 Marks)


Do you think sports play any role in social change? (10 marks)



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  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.


Bring out a comparative analysis of Marxian and Parsonian views of social change and examine the relevance of each view for social development in the contemporary India. (20 Marks)


Discuss the significance of the S.N.D.P. Movement in the context of social reform movements in India, focusing on its goals and contributions to social change. (15 Marks)


Write a short note on:  (10 Marks)

(a) Market economy and its social consequences


Examine the multifaceted impact of mass media on Indian society, with a particular emphasis on the potential consequences of Western consumerism and materialistic culture seeping into the traditional fabric. Analyze the dynamics between media influence and cultural preservation. (20 Marks)


Write a note on the changing roles of middle – class women in India. (10Marks, PYQ)


Examine the role of education in promoting cultural diversity and social cohesion in India. How can an inclusive and diverse education system contribute to strengthening the social fabric of the nation? (20 Marks)


Evaluate the role of economic planning in India’s social change trajectory. How has the concept of mixed economy been instrumental in shaping the country’s development agenda? (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions (as per the enrolled course type)

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.


Discuss the impact of the Green revolution on rural class structure and also explain other social consequences of the Green Revolution. (20 Marks)


Write a short note on the impact of cooperatives on different sections of society. (10 Marks)


Discuss the evolution of the Poverty alleviation programme in independent India. What modifications do you suggest to make them more effective in the current context? (20 Marks)


With reference to their understanding of the Indian village, compare the perspectives of M. N. Srinivas and SC Dube. (20 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.


Analyse the components of land Reform acts, show their effectiveness in curbing rural inequality. (10 Marks)


With reference to their understanding of the Indian village, compare the perspectives of M. N. Srinivas and SC Dube. (20 Marks)


Is Indian peasant society a non- modern society ? Evaluate with suitable examples in support of your answer. (10 Marks)


  1. Select 1 or 2 Questions as per your enrolled course type.

  2. Do write your Registration number, Date of Questions, World Limit and Question no. clearly on the top of first page of your answer copy. 

  3. Rename your file as: Registration No._Date of Questions. Eg. 115P121_12June

  4. Must write Question on Answer copy OR Attach a screenshot of the Question

  5. World limit as specified, should be adhered to it.


Discuss the issues related to sexual harassment at workplace in modern industries and implementation of Vishakha Guidelines. (10 Marks)


  • Introduction – Introduce with sexual harassment at workplace and Vishakha guidelines.
  • Body – Explain some of the issues in both SHaW and Vishakha guidelines. Include the IT sector also in your answer.
  • Conclusion – In conclusion you can suggest measures to solve these issues.


Examine the impact of smart cities and Atal mission for urban rejuvenation and transformation (AMRUT) on different social structures including slums. (20 Marks)


  • Introduction – In introduction you can sociologically define what smart city means and amenities to be provided in AMRUT mission.
  • Body – Enlist different sectors of society and explain the impact of smart cities in a functional and dysfunctional manner. Similarly, you can write about impact of AMRUT amenities as well. In your answer you can use different aspects like slum, marginalised, Dalit, migrants, digital divide etc.
  • Conclusion – In conclusion you can suggest measures to solve these problems.


Give a sociological analysis of the problems of migrant workers and child labour. (20 marks)


  • Introduction – Introduce by defining who constitute the migrant workers and child labour.
  • Body – Explain some of the problems faced by migrant workers. Use some of the thinkers and examples as well. Similarly, sociologically analyse the issues with child labour with relevant thinkers. You can include the current pandemic angle as well or its impact.
  • Conclusion – In conclusion you can write measures undertaken by the government in this regard.